
Fidelity MyPlan Retirement Calculator

Fidelity MyPlan Retirement Calculator

If you want to get a ballpark estimate of how much you need to save monthly to meet your retirement goals, and want a friendly painless internetty wayt to do it, Fidelity has the myPlan snapshot. It’s very Fisher-Price basic, but might be good for people who are terrified of the topic. —MEGHANN MARCO

Walmart's Video Download Service Predictably Sucks

Walmart's Video Download Service Predictably Sucks

We tried to take a look at Walmart’s new video download service, but hey, guess what. It doesn’t work in Firefox. So our review is this:

Keep Google From Storing Your Search History

Perhaps you’ve noticed that Google has been quietly associating your account with your search history. Perhaps this pisses you off. Well, Ex-Googler Nelson Minar has some tips for deleting and turning off the search history feature, should that appeal to you.

Avis Rental Cars Are Wi-Fi Hotspots

According to an Avis press release, soon you will be able to turn your rental car into a portable wi-fi hot spot. Yay, internet while driving. We suppose this is more awesome than driving around searching for an open network or a Panera Bread….

Protect Yourself While Using Free Wi-Fi

Connecting to a hot spot can be an open invitation to danger. Hot spots are public, open networks that practically invite hacking and snooping. They use unencrypted, insecure connections, but most people treat them as if they are secure private networks.

How To Get All The Good Stuff On Craigslist Before Other People Do

DIY site Curbly has two great posts on how to get all the good furniture on craigslist before everyone else. And by good stuff, we don’t mean used IKEA crap, although if you are in the market for used IKEA, craigslist is the place to be.

Comcast Does Away With “All Day” Waiting

Comcast Does Away With “All Day” Waiting

Comcast has begun narrowing the window of time customers have to wait for technicians, says the Wall Street Journal.

Edelman: How We Taught The World That Illegal Downloading Is A No-No

“What there was was a complete lack of was a peer-to-peer dialog about illegally downloading music and why it was wrong.” No peer-to-peer dialog. None.

Busting the College Textbook Monopoly

Busting the College Textbook Monopoly

    Consider: How often does someone have the authority to order consumers to purchase a product with a limited number of vendors? University professors have just that power, requiring students to purchase particular books for their courses. The often obscure titles must typically be purchased from the college bookstore, which obtains them through special order. With limited competition, at best, prices for new textbooks can easily climb to $100, and have tripled since the mid 1980s

Oh man, stop. We’re having flashbacks.

Snopes Round Up: Panic PINs and More

Here’s a roundup of some relevant Comsumer-type urban legends from Snopes’s Hottest Urban Legends Page:

Netflix On The Internet

The movie streams, so users will have to stay connected to the internet while watching. Netflix plans to roll out the service across these glorious United States of America portions at a time, to ensure its servers have enough capacity. —MEGHANN MARCO

AT&T Will Sell $20 “Naked” DSL

In the coming months AT&T will sell stand-alone, or “naked,” DSL service for $19.95. Currently, AT&T charges $45 for broadband if you don’t purchase any other bundled services. If you purchase DSL and phone from AT&T, it’s only $28, a deliberate attempt to preserve their phone business and limit consumer choice.

Web Applications to Help You Keep New Years Resolutions

Lifehacker has compllied a list of 6 webapps that will help you keep your New Years Resolutions. Wesabe to keep track of your spending, Backpack to help your get “your shi*t together”, etc. Yay! —MEGHANN MARCO

Vista Has Security Flaws Already, LOL

Vista Has Security Flaws Already, LOL

The New York Times is reporting that Microsoft Vista has security flaws. Yes, already. In addition to a flaw that lets users increase their own privileges and override all the new fancy Vista security, there’s a “troubling” flaw in IE7. “The browser flaw is particularly troubling because it potentially means that Web users could become infected with malicious software simply by visiting a booby-trapped site.”

Pizza Chains Embracing the Nirvana That Is Internet Ordering

Sweet mother of god, we love ordering pizza on-line. Chicago’s Pizza, your website got us through our scary hermit phase, our college finals, and several blizzards. Oh, how we love you. Now national pizza chains are catching on to the fact that people want—nay, need to order pizza without talking on the phone. Ah, bliss.

PS3: Are Consumers Put Off By The Price?

PS3: Are Consumers Put Off By The Price?

Prices on eBay have fallen as well. Whoops. Of course this doesn’t mean you can walk in to a store and actually buy a PS3, but it does mean you can’t gouge someone on eBay quite as easily.—MEGHANN MARCO

Like, Cingular Friends MySpace

According to Reuters, Cingular has cut a deal to offer MySpace on almost all of its cell phones. For a measly $2.99 a month, people not old enough to have cell phones, let alone MySpace profiles, can update photos, check MySpace messages, and update their blogs…all from their phones! It looks like the holidays have come early for internet predators!—MEGHANN MARCO