From their earliest moments, some children are constantly connected to a screen. By the time many kids hit middle school, they already have their own smartphone. However, some parents not only want to limit their kids’ use of these devices, they want the state to ban sales of smartphones to kids under 13. [More]
internet privacy

Comcast, AT&T: We Totally Respect Your Privacy Even Though We Helped Kill The Law Protecting It
The FCC rule that would have prohibited your ISP from collecting and selling your personal data without your permission is pretty much dead, leaving consumers to fend for themselves. Members of the House and Senate didn’t all spontaneously come up with the same talking points about why the FCC rule was unfair, though; they had help from lobbyists and telecom corporations along the way. And now some of the biggest of those corporations are pinky-swearing that just because they can abuse the heck out of your data now doesn’t mean they will. [More]

Civil Rights Groups That Received Donations From ISPs Spoke Out Against Internet Privacy
The Federal Communication Commission’s internet privacy regulations would have prevented your internet provider from using and selling some potentially sensitive information about you, but the Senate and the House of Representatives voted to roll back the regulations. As the bill awaits the President’s signature, we’ve learned that some of the community groups that contacted the FCC to oppose privacy regulations are recipients of donations from Comcast. [More]

Internet Privacy Advocates To FTC: Maybe Check Into This Whole Facebook & Datalogix Thing
After the world caught wind of Facebook’s sassy new partnership with data mining company Datalogix, we figured it would only be a matter of time before the public protestations started. The advocates over at the Electronic Privacy Information Center have teamed up with the Center for Digital Democracy are coming out with guns blazing against the pairing in a letter to the Federal Trade Commission. [More]

Former Foes McCain and Kerry Unite To Tackle Net Privacy
Senators John Kerry and John McCain introduced an Internet privacy bill that would require companies to clearly spell out the types of data collected from consumers online, how it’s used and require corporate safeguards from hackers and other criminals. [More]