
3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Thinking Of Replacing Your Old Car

3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Thinking Of Replacing Your Old Car

Reader Brenden says:

Worst Company In America 2008 "Sweet 16": Bank of America VS Blue Cross Blue Shield

Worst Company In America 2008 "Sweet 16": Bank of America VS Blue Cross Blue Shield

Here’s your seventh “Sweet 16” match-up: #7 Bank of America VS #23 Blue Cross Blue Shield

How To Get Health Insurance After College

How To Get Health Insurance After College

This year, 1.4 million graduates will be receiving their college degrees, but many of them will be losing their parents’ health insurance, according to The Wall Street Journal. Many group health plans cover employees’ children up to age 19 or 23, forcing many young men and women to find their own health insurance. The WSJ has assembled some ways to find health insurance and talks about how some young people are getting creative in the process. Details, inside…

Broadway Express Responds With More Information About The Moving Disaster

Broadway Express Responds With More Information About The Moving Disaster

The moving company responsible for the moving disaster that we mentioned the other day has written in to share some information about the way insurance works in the event of such a catastrophe.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's Thoughts On Health Care Reform

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's Thoughts On Health Care Reform

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke shared some thoughts on health care reform from “an economist’s perspective” today. He was short on proposals, but did suggest that we concentrate our attention on improving the cost-effectiveness of our health care system:

The Basics Of Insurance, Taxes, And 401(k)s For First-Time Employees

The Basics Of Insurance, Taxes, And 401(k)s For First-Time Employees

If you’re entering the work force for the first time (although this probably pertains to lots of older employees too), all the details of insurance, taxes, and 401(k)s can be daunting/boring/confusing. Ron Lieber at the New York Times has pared away the extraneous bits and created a “primer for young people starting their first job,” including helpful advice like why it’s important to get health insurance, how to fill out your W-4, and why it’s good to take advantage of the built-in “raise” that comes from a company-matching 401(k). Sure, this is all basic stuff, but that’s the point. Ya gotta start somewhere.

What Do You Do When Your Moving Company Destroys Everything You Own?

What Do You Do When Your Moving Company Destroys Everything You Own?

What should you do when you carefully pack all of your belongings into a truck for a cross country move and the driver promptly drives under a bridge that’s a couple feet shorter than said truck? That’s the question that one couple is asking after their move from Boston to Oakland, CA went horribly awry. They shared their story with a Boston alumni email list and one user posted it to LiveJournal. Their letter, plus a gallery of photos generously donated by eyewitness (and Flickr user) K a t m, inside.

Can The US Learn Anything From Health Care In Other Countries?

Can The US Learn Anything From Health Care In Other Countries?

Judging by the fact that 3 of the 16 remaining candidates for “Worst Company in America” are insurance companies, we suspect that some of you are not happy with the state of health care in this country. With that in mind, we thought we’d direct you to an interesting episode of the PBS documentary series Frontline.

Advantage Rent-A-Car Says 49 Hours In Shop Equals 22 Days

Advantage Rent-A-Car Says 49 Hours In Shop Equals 22 Days

Paul is being cheated by Advantage Rent-A-Car in one of the most transparent, odious scams we’ve seen a rental car company try to pull. After a thief damaged his rental on a recent trip, Advantage says because the car was in the shop for 49 hours, he owes them 22 days worth of rent. “I asked how they got that number and they said they use a 4 hour work day, which is laughable! Even with that it would only be 12 days. Even if you are generous and give them 2 weekends it only gets to 16!”

Save Your Friends From Post-Rapture Hellfire For Only $40 Per Year

Save Your Friends From Post-Rapture Hellfire For Only $40 Per Year

A company called You’ve Been Left Behind is selling a post-Rapture package that sends emails to your sinful friends and family, letting them know where you are and what’s up with the whole pending apocalypse thing. For only $40 per year, You’ve Been Left Behind offers “to get one last message to the lost, at a time, when they might just be willing to hear it for the first and last time.”

BCBS Double Copay On Thyroid Meds

BCBS Double Copay On Thyroid Meds

Mary is freaking out because BCBS of Maryland just doubled the copay on her thyroid meds. Times are tight, and Mary doesn’t have a thyroid. The insurance companies have been telling her for years that Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs is a generic, now BCBS has classified it as not being generic. She’s pretty ticked, and considering getting married to her fiance early just to get on his insurance. Her letter, and how she might save $200.32 a year, inside.

Profitable Farmers Insurance "Error" Has Been Going On for A Year And A Half Now

Profitable Farmers Insurance "Error" Has Been Going On for A Year And A Half Now

Susan in Wisconsin was charged an extra $10.30 last October, even though she’d already paid the next six months of her premium in full a month before. “I thought maybe I had misread my initial bill and paid the amount said to be due,” she writes. But then it happened again last month, so she began to investigate.

Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna: Sorry, Your Pregnancy Is A Pre-Existing Condition

Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna: Sorry, Your Pregnancy Is A Pre-Existing Condition

Katlyn is having trouble getting health insurance because she just graduated from college and is 15 weeks pregnant. She’s found herself in an expensive situation.

HCA: It's Hospital Policy To Shakedown Patients Before They Leave

HCA: It's Hospital Policy To Shakedown Patients Before They Leave

Among the many hospital personnel who stopped in to see my father after surgery was a “financial counselor” from the billing office, who basically started stalking him from the minute he left the intensive care unit.

UPS Can't Find Your Lost Computer, So They'll Honor Their Insurance Policy

UPS Can't Find Your Lost Computer, So They'll Honor Their Insurance Policy

Remember Nick? UPS smashed up his insured computer and then refused to provide any compensation, even after mysteriously shipping it to a stranger. UPS’ public relations folks reached out to us after we posted his story and recently sent us an update: “…after a search of all UPS’s facilities we were not able to recover his computer.” Bummer, but all is not lost.

Cut Your Hand At Kmart? The Manager Will Provide Paperwork Instead Of Help

Cut Your Hand At Kmart? The Manager Will Provide Paperwork Instead Of Help

BCBS Of Florida Only Sends Reader 12% Of What They Owe Him

BCBS Of Florida Only Sends Reader 12% Of What They Owe Him

USAA Lays Smackdown On Shady Enterprise Rental

USAA Lays Smackdown On Shady Enterprise Rental

USAA is like a unicorn in a pack of walruses: a financial services company that truly cares about its customers and really helps them out. Not as some kind of lucky exception, but as a matter of policy. Reader “Mary Marsala With Fries'” story, about how USAA opened up several cans of whoop-ass on an Enterprise facility that was trying to screw her over on charges, is yet further proof.