
Got An Inactive Macy's Store Account? Here's Your New Citibank Mastercard

Got An Inactive Macy's Store Account? Here's Your New Citibank Mastercard

Recently, a Consumerist tipster sent in an internal memo from Macy’s explaining that the store was “flipping” 3.5 million inactive store accounts into Citibank Mastercards. The memo reads:

“Approximately 3.5 million inactive (24-48 months) Macy’s accounts have been selected to “flip” to the Citibank Mastercard. That means the customer will be sent a Citibank Mastercard to replace their inactive Macy’s card. “

Comcast's Official Water Jug Changing Policy

Comcast's Official Water Jug Changing Policy

In today’s go-go economy, savvy companies know it’s important to draft official policies for a variety of circumstances and surprises that can crop up in the middle of a busy workday, clearly communicated and readily available.

Industrial Espionage Keeps Walmart's Prices Low

Industrial Espionage Keeps Walmart's Prices Low

Walmart’s everyday low low prices are thanks to department managers sneaking into local competing Kmarts with price guns, scanning everything, and then setting all of their prices 10 cents lower, according to a former employee and current Consumerist reader Altered Beast…

Internal AT&T Manual For Handling All Kinds Of Customer Complaints

Internal AT&T Manual For Handling All Kinds Of Customer Complaints

Here’s a direct port from the AT&T/Cingular internal database on how to handle complaining customers. These are the document every customer service rep in their call centers uses to deal with you when you kvetch. If you have an issue with AT&T, you can use this as a guide to see how they’re going to react to your various thrusts and parries, from simple billing and service issues to requests for cancellation and escalations to the Office of the President (gamely referred to by the acronym “OOP”)…

Best Buy Making All Service Departments Geek Squadified

Best Buy Making All Service Departments Geek Squadified

If you love the great porn-stealing and privacy-invading services currently offered by Geek Squad’s in-store and in-home tech support, have cheer: Best Buy is rebranding all its service departments into Geek Squads, according to an inside source. They’re testing it out in the New York metro area in preparation for a possible nation-wide rollout.

AT&T Employee: AT&T Lied, Employee Discounts Don't Apply To iPhone Calling Plans

AT&T Employee: AT&T Lied, Employee Discounts Don't Apply To iPhone Calling Plans

AT&T pulled the bait and switch on its own employees. One was repeatedly told that his employee discount would apply only towards iPhone calling plans, but not the iPhone itself, or its associated data plan. The employee twice verified the existence of a calling plan discount – at an AT&T store, and with AT&T customer support. He even called customer support before the 14-day return window closed and again verified that, yes, his discount applied to the calling plan. After the employee received his first bill last week, he sat down and wrote us this letter:

Best Buy Systemically Searching Geek Squad Precincts For Porn

Best Buy Systemically Searching Geek Squad Precincts For Porn

Best Buy is scanning Geek Squad computers for signs of porn infestation, as part of their continuing witch hunt. According to reports from four different Geek Squad employees, an edict was issued from corporate requiring precincts to connect every computer in every precinct to Agent Johnny Utah.

Why You Can't Cancel Your Account, An Insider's Perspective

Why You Can't Cancel Your Account, An Insider's Perspective

It’s easy to forget that despite infuriating scripts and adherence to dogmatic corporate policies, CSRs are real people. A former call center worker wrote in to describe the extraordinary pressure CSRs feel from management to keep customers from canceling their accounts.

You’d think it was so easy: call to cancel service, and it’s cancelled. And yet, it never is. Here’s why.

If Your Financial Planner Won't Tell You How They Make Money Off Of You, Run Away

If Your Financial Planner Won't Tell You How They Make Money Off Of You, Run Away

Money has a new column written by an anonymous financial planner (and you know how much we love that sort of sh*t), who says that if your financial planner is honest, he or she will tell you how you’re making them money.

How Geek Squad Steals Your Porn

How Geek Squad Steals Your Porn

According to an insider, these are the tools, programs, and procedures one Geek Squad precinct exploits to snarf up your porn:

Air Traffic Control Blames Errors On Pilots To Fudge Safety Reports?

Trouble In The Air [MSNBC]

Disgruntled Ex-GeekSquad Postergirl eBays Badge

Disgruntled Ex-GeekSquad Postergirl eBays Badge

“Hi, my name is Holly Forman-Petersen and I used to be a Special Agent at The Geek Squad. I am eBaying my Special Agent badge.

Geek Squad Hatched Plot To Harvest Porn From Pornstar Jasmine Grey's HardDrive, Days Before She Died In Car Crash

“I worked for Best Buy 285 several years ago (2003-2005) and was both a Blackshirt and an Agent once the Geek Squad rolled out.

Sprint Customers Terminated For Complaining Too Much Were Scamming Sprint For Free Service

Sprint Customers Terminated For Complaining Too Much Were Scamming Sprint For Free Service

Sprint announced Monday it was canceling the accounts of around 1,000 people who called customer service too much. At first blush, it might sound like a pretty jerk thing to do, have bad service and then punish people who complain, but we spoke with one of our most reliable Sprint insiders, who had a different side to the story: the terminated customers were scamming Sprint, calling in again and again, just to get free service credits.

Why Geeks Steal Porn From Your Computer

Why Geeks Steal Porn From Your Computer

hashand: I used to work at a computer repair place. All the stuff you’re finding isn’t limited to Best Buy. We had a 2 TB [terabyte] server of mp3s.

2 More Former Employees Claim Geek Squad Stole Customers' Personal Files

2 More Former Employees Claim Geek Squad Stole Customers' Personal Files

Two more individuals identifying themselves as former Geek Squad employees have stepped forward with allegations about the repair company’s employees unauthorized copying of personal information from customer’s hard-drives.

8 IKEA Shopping Tips From A Former Employee

8 IKEA Shopping Tips From A Former Employee

A former IKEA worker tells us how some tips for making your jaunt through furniture Legoland more enjoyable and efficient.

Comcast Customer Service Agents Get Answers To Certification Tests Right Before The Tests

Comcast Customer Service Agents Get Answers To Certification Tests Right Before The Tests

Comcast customer service sucks so much because they outsource much of it to Convergys, affectionately called the “sweat shop” of the call center industry. One disgruntled insider has these four unverified confessions about how they run their customer service hellholes: