How do you make a slippery late-night TV pitchman sit still and behave? If you’re a federal judge fed up with Kevin Trudeau’s shenanigans you put him in jail. Trudeau has reportedly flouted court orders to pay millions in fines stemming from fraudulent infomercials, and now the judge says he’s been spending money on stuff like cigars and fancy meat when he shouldn’t be. [More]

Judge Jails TV Pitchman Kevin Trudeau So He’ll Cooperate In Fraudulent Infomercial Case

Slobstopper: Your Coffee And Donut-Blocking Poncho
Have you ever sipped coffee while driving, and spilled it down the front of your shirt? Man, we’ve all been there. What if there were a product that could prevent such mishaps? Perhaps a massive synthetic backless poncho of an adult bib, with a handy homemade-looking infomercial, and with a gross name. Yes! That’s perfect! [More]

Shake Weight Inventor Doesn't Think It Really Looks Like You Know What
The inventor of the Shake Weight is actually a pretty casual guy and in a recent Q&A with Inc. mag he really downplays the innuendo-factor. “it depends how you shake it as well,” says Johann Verheem. “If you do it based on the three exercises that we have laid out, it’s not that suggestive.” See, you’re just doing it wrong, you pervy-pervs. [More]

Wired Reviews Smart Mop, Says It's Dumb
The twistable, change-your-life-forever Smart Mop that’s sold via infomercial looks sort of handy, but does it work? Wired tested one out, and says no, it does not work. In fact, it leaves behind liquid instead of sopping it up, falls apart frequently, and scrapes across the floor if you don’t hold it just right. Wired wraps up the review with this very non-infomercial suggestion: “If you’re sick of taking paper towel to floor every time Junior dumps his milk, well, tough, that’s part of being a parent.” [More]

Infomercial Scammer Kevin Trudeau Found In Contempt Of Court
Kevin Trudeau, well known for all sorts of cons over the years—his most recent one was this diet book—was found in contempt of court last week by a U.S. District Court judge for violating his permanent 2004 injunction.