As many consumers move along with the trend toward products made without additives, preservatives, or genetically modified organisms, the maker of Similac Advance says it’ll be selling a GMO-free version of the product by the end of the month. [More]
infant formula

Health Officials Make It Official: Makers Of Infant Formula Must Test For Germs
Back in February, the United States Food and Drug Administration announced an interim rule covering infant formula that would require manufacturers to test for certain contaminants, as well as ensure that the products contain the right amount of nutrients. Today the agency announced that the new policy is set to be finalized. [More]

Grocery Shrink Ray Affects Innocent Eyeballs and Adorable Babies
Reader Dan noticed something different when buying a new can of formula for his daughter (at left.) Her delicious colic-preventing formula had been hit by the dread grocery shrink ray. Waaah!