Two months after the Federal Aviation Administration released regulations governing the use of drones, thousands of would-be pilots have lined up to take the test to get licensed to fly on the first day it became available. The rush to fly the unmanned aircraft isn’t just for the novelty, it’s opening the door for new business possibilities for companies and entrepreneurs alike. [More]

VIDEO: The Meat Deboner Machine
Seeing how much you all love science and pictures of giant pink goo/mechanically separated chicken, here’s a promotional video for an automatic meat deboner. Chicken carcasses go in one end, meat pulp gets extruded from a screw on the other. Warning, this video may be considered gross by some. Or many. [More]

Banks Consider Running TV Spots Against Proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency
Remember Harry and Louise? I don’t, but apparently they were a fictional couple in an early-90s TV commercial, produced by the insurance industry to help sway opinion against the Clinton health plan. Now banks and other financial companies may be pooling resources to create a new “Harry and Louise” style ad to convince Americans that Obama’s proposed agency to monitor abusive financial practices will limit choice and ruin lives.

Video: Turning Illegally Logged Wood Into A Walmart Toilet Seat
It’s hard to think of an object that isn’t made of wood or packaged or encounters wood at some point in its journey through the economy. Any number of household items that you can buy at Walmart, like a toilet seat for instance, may very well be made from Russian wood.

Delta CEO On The Prowl For Some Hot Merger Action
Delta’s CEO Richard “Anybody Wanna Buy An Airline?” Anderson, formerly the CEO of Northwest, has finally started shopping Delta around for a merger buddy like we all knew he would.
Are The Comments Opposing Payday Loan Rules Legitimate?
Last summer, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released proposed rules intended to prevent borrowers from falling into the costly revolving debt trap that can leave people worse off than if they hadn’t borrowed money in the first place. Since then, those in the payday lending industry have ramped up their efforts to ensure the proposal isn’t finalized. [More]