Men’s Wearhouse founder and longtime CEO George Zimmer is a familiar face from appearing in his company’s commercials for decades, and now he’s trying to figure out how to take the company he started back. Would the existing suit and tuxedo rental businesses mesh well with his online tux-rental and tailor-dispatching companies? A private Men’s Wearhouse (or holding company Tailored Brands, as it’s now known) wouldn’t have to answer to crowds of shareholders, but would have a lot of debt to pay down. [More]
I guarantee it

Jos. A. Bank Shareholders Like How Men’s Wearhouse Takeover Bid Looks, Sues Board
We can’t help it: we really miss Men’s Wearhouse founder George Zimmer and his “you’re gonna like the way you look; I guarantee it!” commercials, and are compelled to make headline jokes about him. Yet since his ouster, it’s been interesting to watch dueling big-box menswear chains Jos. A. Bank and Men’s Wearhouse circle each other in a strange acquisition mating ritual. Each company wants to acquire the other, you see, and one major investor has had enough. [More]