As Hyundai’s “lose your income and we’ll buy your car back” Assurance program comes to an end, the automaker is about to roll out a new plan, Assurance Trade-in Value Guarantee, for keeping customers loyal: guaranteeing trade-in values for up to four years after you purchase the car. Of course, this deal does not come sans conditions. [More]
hyundai assurance

Q: Why Aren't You Buying New Cars? A: There's Nothing Wrong With The Old Ones
There have been a lot of theories about why consumers abruptly stopped buying cars — and not just American cars but all kinds of cars. Fingers have been pointed at poor fuel economy, lack of available financing, and if Hyundai is to be believed — concern about losing your job. But a new survey found that the most popular reason for not buying a new car — is that there’s nothing wrong with the old one.