How long after civilization collapses will it take for our infrastructure to crumble into a rusting, weed-choked hellscape? With the help of some flooding, just a few years, if the current state of Six Flags New Orleans is any indication. Pump systems failed after Hurricane Katrina, leaving the site in up to seven feet of brackish water for about a month, corroding the rides and wrecking everything else. The park site is now property of the city of New Orleans after Six Flags declared it a total loss, collecting insurance and moving a few salvageable rides to other parks. The front gate is open, and the city already has enough problems and can’t pay for 24-hour security. That means local teens and roving urban explorers have found their way in to show us all the carnage. [More]
hurricane katrina
Complaint: Motorola & UPS Refuse To Replace Lost RAZR
What starts with a D or maybe a P and caused Motorola to efuse to give reader Julie W. her Razr back? A mystery signature on a UPS slip! Oh, and did we mention that Julie’s house was trashed in Hurricane Katrina?

Ma Bell To Shut Down New Orleans WiFi
One of the surprising acts of compassion and competency that came out of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina was that the city began providing a free WiFi service to business owners and residents whose phone service had been wiped out. The 512 kbps service allowed many business owners to begin struggling back to their feet and corporate sponsors like Yahoo and Google were in discussion to expand the service in the coming months.

‘LifeCare’ Workers ‘Mercy Kill’ Invalids During Hurricane Katrina, New Info Illuminates
during Hurricane Katrina, with specific regard to the seventh floor, leased to the LifeCare hospital management group, of the Memorial Medical Center.