For many people, this Fourth of July weekend is sure to be a busy one — Parades! Picnics! Parties! But when the fireworks have all stopped and you’ve been rendered immobile after consuming too many grilled things — or if you just need a few hours to not talk to your family and friends — you can still get into the spirit of the weekend with some movies. [More]
hulu minus

Clunky Version Of Hulu Plus Hits Xbox Today
Microsoft is releasing its long-in-the-making Hulu Plus app on the Xbox 360 today, providing a subscription video streaming alternative to Netflix. [More]

Hulu Plus To Bust Through PlayStation 3 Pay Wall
After restricting Hulu Plus — Hulu’s pay-to-play movie and TV streaming offering — to members of Sony’s paid PlayStation Plus service, Sony has decided to tear down that pay wall and let non-paying PlayStation Network members in on the action. [More]

Hulu Plus May Drop To Half Price
Currently in its testing phase, Hulu Plus let subscribers who shell out $10 a month while willing to sit through ads watch its meager programming on the PlayStation 3, iPhone and other devices. [More]

Hulu Explains Why Hulu Plus Shows Ads, Has Limited Content
Underwhelmed by Hulu Plus, Hulu’s pay service that lets users watch programming through the PlayStation 3, iPhone and other devices for $10 a month, Helen wrote the company about her disappointment. Hulu responded with an email that explains the service’s quirks: [More]

Microsoft, Sony Charge You Fees On Top Of Fees To Use HuluPlus On Consoles
Tech bloggers who dug through some hidden text on Hulu’s page announcing pay service HuluPlus discovered unwelcome news for PS3 owners. The text indicates Sony plans on reserving HuluPlus access for those who sign up for its $50-a-year PlayStation Plus online service. The probable move, for now unconfirmed by Sony, falls in line with Microsoft’s decree that only paying Xbox Live Gold members will be able to access HuluPlus. [More]