Despite the fact that at first, I thought it was just my fault that I couldn’t get on the New York Times’ website yesterday, it turns out that the news site, as well as Twitter and the Huffington Post, all briefly lost control of some of their sites yesterday after a hit from the Syrian Electronic Army group of hackers. That’s the same bunch that struck The Onion, the Associated Press, the Washington Post and a slew more in the past. [More]
huffington post

AOL Cans 900 A Month After Announcing Huffington Post Buy
When AOL decided last month to spend $315 million on Huffington Post, the internet’s eyebrows raised in confusion about how the struggling company could afford such an acquisition. [More]

AOL To Buy Huffington Post For $315 Million
In an effort to put more original content on its network — and ad revenue in its pockets — AOL announced today that it will be purchasing popular news and opinion site for a princely sum of around $315 million. [More]

Is It Me or Do All Hyundais Look Alike?
What’s wrong with this Hyundai ad (which appeared on Huffington Post earlier this week)?
The Huffington Post is having a “Capture The Recession” photo contest. I’d argue that their Flickr pool is nowhere near as cool as ours, but it’s not shabby. Users can rate the pictures and choose the most recession-riffic. [Huffington Post]

Perhaps You Don't Owe GoDaddy $6,579
GoDaddy demanded $6,579 from Adam Fendelman after his disk usage skyrocketed to over 250 GB without warning, vastly exceeding his account’s 150 GB allowance. GoDaddy’s security department launched a “full-scale investigation” and quickly determined that Adam was responsible for both the data binge and the extraordinary bill. Adam refused to let the matter drop…

AP Journalists Plagiarise Blogger
Journalists don’t respect bloggers. That’s okay, we don’t respect journalists much either. Although we will always admire a clever writer, an excellent observationalist, a sound investigator or a great reporter, the entire concept of the “journalist” — untouchable, clergy-like purveyors of knowledge and opinion in a modern world that would be lost without them — makes us want to headbutt splayed scissors. Journalists are the guys too inept and self-righteous to be good reporters, commentators or essayists.