With seemingly everyone falling all over themselves to buy HDTVs at falling prices, it seems baffling that the number of American homes equipped with TVs dropped for the first time in nearly two decades. But that’s the result Nielsen has derived from its research. The firm announced the 2012 Advance/Preliminary TV Household Universe Estimate (UE) will be set at 114.7 million, slipping from the 114.7 million 2011 figure. [More]
home entertainment

Blockbuster Says They Might Have To File For Bankruptcy
This may come as bad news to the 4 of you left out there that still rent videos at Blockbuster. The once-great chain of video stores is once again teetering on the edge of filing for bankruptcy. [More]

Avatar To Get No-Frills DVD Release; No 3-D Version Until Next Year
Because James Cameron’s Avatar — that little indie film about indigenous people fighting against corporate greed — apparently didn’t make enough money at the box office, Twentieth Century Fox has decided to come out with three different DVD versions of the flick. [More]