Been waiting for H&M and Zara to launch real e-commerce ventures? Well, unless you move to Europe you’ll be waiting a little bit longer. [More]

Evil Mutant Cotton Sneaks Into H&M "Organic" Clothing
Global fast fashion retailer H&M and European chains C&A and Tchibo have been caught selling misleading “organic cotton” products to consumers. Independent testing done by Germany’s Financial Times showed that 30% of the samples contained genetically modified strains of cotton. Oops. [More]

NYC Police Dept Stops Giving Counterfeit Clothing To Charity
It turns out H&M and Walmart aren’t the only two organizations caught destroying clothes they couldn’t sell. Yesterday the New York Times reported that the NYC Police Department has also been destroying clothing that would otherwise be wearable. The big difference this time is that the clothing is counterfeit. [More]

H&M Insists That All Unsold Clothing Is Donated, Manhattan Store Went Rogue
After last week’s uproar and public shaming, over unsold clothing that was intentionally destroyed, then thrown in the trash behind the chain’s Herald Square location, clothing retailer H&M insists that the incident was against company policy and a fluke. Then TV station WPIX caught an employee throwing away a giant bag of shoes a few days later. [More]

H&M Store Cuts Up Unsold Clothing, Throws It Away
Some retailers donate unsold clothing to charity, or discount it by the palletful and sell it to thrift stores or closeout retailers. But the New York Times reports that the H&M at Herald Square in Manhattan gets rid of their unsold clothing by cutting holes in it to render it unwearable, then throwing it away. [More]

H&M’s Stella McCartney Collection: Cheap Clothes You Can’t Have
H&M is the latest of the bargain clothing retailers to play the ‘limited edition’ game. A recent collection by Stella McCartney sold out at H&M hours after its debut—with no plans for restocking. It’s not the first time H&M has played the game: A collection last year by Karl Lagerfeld was also snapped up in hours.