Last month, we heard rumblings that American Apparel’s founder and former CEO Dov Charney was working with an investment firm to figure out a plan to buy the company out of bankruptcy. The chain said at the time that Charney hadn’t made any kind of formal offer. Today, a new report says an investor working with Charney has offered up a takeover bid of more than $200 million for American Apparel. [More]
he’s baaaaack

Report: American Apparel Receives $200M Takeover Bid From Investor Backing Former CEO Dov Charney

The Former Face Of Men’s Wearhouse Re-Emerges With On-Demand Tailoring Business
He might not be able to guarantee you’ll like the way you look, but George Zimmer, the former face of Men’s Wearhouse, is back and pitching on behalf of his own clothing company, an on-demand tailoring business called zTailors that he thinks is “a hell of an idea.” [More]