Eleven years ago, Trader Joe’s announced it would take steps to ensure its store-brand eggs only came from sources that get eggs from cage-free hens. Now, the company has revised that plan to sell all cage-free eggs by 2025. [More]

It Ain’t Over Yet: Bird Flu Aftershocks Will Keep Egg, Whole Turkey Prices High
Though the bird flu crisis might be over now, the toll it’s taken on egg and poultry producers in the U.S. will continue for quite some time. Industry experts say egg prices will climb higher than previously predicted, and stay high through 2016. Meanwhile, frozen wholesale turkeys will also cost more this Thanksgiving than last year. [More]

Prices For Eggs, Turkey Meat Starting To Rise As Bird Flu Outbreak Continues
We’ve heard warnings that Thanksgiving turkey supplies could suffer a hit this season amid a severe outbreak of avian flu in the Midwest that began in April, and now it appears consumers will begin to see effects in their wallets. The prices for eggs and turkey meat are going up as more chickens and turkeys fall to the disease. [More]

You Can Now Rent A Chicken To Get The Freshest Of Fresh Eggs
Because there are inevitably going to be those people who cannot stand to have something even one second after other people can get it, one company has started offering up chickens for rent, giving poultry hipsters a chance to get the very freshest eggs possible. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Considering Using Only Cage-Free Eggs
Leaning into the growing consumer demand for products that are sourced from animals who aren’t contained as strictly as in the past, Dunkin’ Donuts announced today that it’s looking into using eggs only from uncaged hens in all its restaurants. It’s also planning on buying pork in the U.S. only from suppliers that don’t put animals in gestation crates by 2022. [More]

Someone Stole More Than 200 Hens That Lay Pastel-Colored Eggs
Dyeing Easter eggs is a long-held family fun tradition, but it’s one that can be quite messy. That’s likely one of the reasons why the pastel-colored eggs laid by a specific type of hen have gained popularity in recent years. Now, a California farmer is wondering if his unusual eggs have become popular enough to be the target of thieves after finding 200 of his best egg-laying hens missing. [More]