help me


Uber Ditching Email Support In Favor Of In-App Help Options

Uber customers and drivers will no longer be able to reach the company by way of a support email address — a system many customers were frustrated with in the first place — as the company is switching to an in-app tool for troubleshooting and reporting issues. [More]

Where's the baby filter?

Facebook’s Redesigned Help Center Hinges On Novel Idea Of Actually Helping Users

Anyone who’s ever found themselves banging their heads into the keyboard trying to get an answer out of Facebook on how to say, make it so that every silly game your acquaintance from college plays isn’t blasted all of your newsfeed will likely be glad to hear that the social network is finally redoing its Help Center. It’s now supposed to be more user-friendly — what an odd idea! A help center that’s actually helpful. [More]