Because there are apparently no limits on what people are willing to steal, police in Atlanta say they’ve made an arrest after someone stole a hearse from a local hospital — with a body inside — yesterday morning. It’s unclear whether the suspect checked the hearse before boosting it, or just figured any vehicle would do… occupied or not. [More]

Family Chases Down Man Accused Of Stealing Hearse With Their Loved One Still Inside
Every time we hear of a consumer performing a low down and dirty act against another, we think there must be a limit to what people will do to score something for free. But it appears there are no boundaries to the madness inflicted by greed, as one family had to chase down a runaway hearse with their loved one resting inside in a casket after someone decided to drive off with it. [More]

Pizza Delivery Guy Also Delivers Corpses
If you’re about to start a career in pizza delivery, here’s a small tip: don’t deliver those stuffed-crust pepperonis in your other job’s company vehicle… a mortuary hearse.