
Surgery With A Warranty?

Surgery With A Warranty?

What if your surgery came with a warranty? One group of hospitals in central Pennsylvania is trying it, according to the NYT:

The group, Geisinger Health System, has overhauled its approach to surgery. And taking a cue from the makers of television sets, washing machines and consumer products, Geisinger essentially guarantees its workmanship, charging a flat fee that includes 90 days of follow-up treatment.

Get Ready To Show ID When Buying Cough Syrup

Get Ready To Show ID When Buying Cough Syrup

In a move that we still haven’t processed the logic behind, Stop and Shop will now require young people to prove they are 18 by showing ID before buying cough medicines that contain Dextromethorphan. Cough syrups, for example Robitussin, will produce a hallucinogenic experience if, say, one was to drink the entire bottle. Also, you might die.

McDonald's Angus Burger Is Coming To Get You

McDonald's Angus Burger Is Coming To Get You

McDonald’s is pleased with the sales of its Angus Burger (currently available in test markets, such as LA) and is planning to release the beast on the unsuspecting Northeast.

“We’re going to be testing Angus burgers later this summer in one of the Northeast markets,” said King, McDonald’s East Division president. “With all test products we want to get a sense of different geographies and demographics so we’re going to take it around the block here in the East.”

Just in case you were wondering, the third-pound Angus with Bacon and Cheese packs 820 calories, 43g of fat, and 65g of carbohydrates. Combined with a large package of french fries (570 calories) and a large Coke (310 calories)… Your Angus Bacon and Cheese lunch provides you with 1700 delicious calories in one meal.

Can't Advertise Milk As Weight-Loss Aid, FTC Says

Can't Advertise Milk As Weight-Loss Aid, FTC Says

In response to FTC pressure, milk makers say they will stop advertising that drinking milk leads to weight loss.

iPods May Affect Pacemakers

iPods May Affect Pacemakers

Thinking of buying Gramps an iPod for his birthday? If he has a pacemaker, you might want to hold off according to a new study “presented by a 17-year-old high school student to a meeting of heart specialists on Thursday.” A high school student? Yeah!

D.I.Y. Related Emergency Room Visits Increasing

D.I.Y. Related Emergency Room Visits Increasing

The CDC clams that: “Each year, approximately 36,000 people are treated in hospital emergency departments for injuries using chain saws.” And then, of course, is the fact that although nail gun injuries are increasing rapidly— work-related nail gun injuries have stayed the same. What’s going on here?

It's National Playground Safety Week!

It's National Playground Safety Week!

Oh joy! National Playground Safety Week! The week when 20-somethings can look back and remember the day, nay, the hour when playgrounds went from insanely fun labyrinths of dangerous wood and metal to orange and red plastic monstrosities capable of generating enough static electricity to reanimated a recently decreased pet.

You Are What You Grow

You Are What You Grow

Compared with a bunch of carrots, a package of Twinkies, to take one iconic processed foodlike substance as an example, is a highly complicated, high-tech piece of manufacture, involving no fewer than 39 ingredients, many themselves elaborately manufactured, as well as the packaging and a hefty marketing budget. So how can the supermarket possibly sell a pair of these synthetic cream-filled pseudocakes for less than a bunch of roots?

VIDEO: Tie This Easy Knot On Produce Bags For Drawstring Access

You know how it is, picking at knots for minutes, whittling down your fingernails, and then you get frustrated and say forget it, I’m going to eat some cookies from this nice, easy jar.

Recall: There's Botulism In the Olives

Recall: There's Botulism In the Olives

The olives are sold under the following brands: Borrelli, Bonta di Puglia, Cento, Corrado’s, Dal Raccolto, Flora, Roland and Vantia, and have codes that start with the letter “G” and are followed by 3 or 4 digits. All sizes of cans, glass jars and pouches of Cerignola, Nocerella and Castelvetrano type olives are affected.

Watch Out For The "Super Clap"; Drug Resistant Gonorrhea Is Going Around

No new antibiotics for gonorrhea are in the pipeline, officials of the centers told reporters by telephone.

Recall: Listerine Agent Cool Blue

Recall: Listerine Agent Cool Blue

Johnson & Johnson recalled all bottles of Listerine Agent Cool Blue after tests revealed contamination by microorganisms.

It's Science: Diets Don't Work

It's Science: Diets Don't Work

“Diets do not lead to sustained weight loss or health benefits for the majority of people.”

Organic Crime: The Raw Milk Underground

Organic Crime: The Raw Milk Underground

Hey you, yeah you. Pssst. Over here. We’ve got some milk. Yeah, the good stuff. Unpasteurized. Shhh. Keep it down, the FDA is listening.

How Much Does It Cost To Lose 30 lbs?

How Much Does It Cost To Lose 30 lbs?

Assuming you’ve already decided that the money-saving “eat less” method won’t work for you: How much will it cost to lose 30 lbs? Bankrate checked out five diet programs and calculated the total cost based on losing the recommended healthy amount of weight per week:

Walmart Pulls Tainted Pet Food By Day, Restocks It By Night

Walmart Pulls Tainted Pet Food By Day, Restocks It By Night

Walmart is recalling tainted pet food during the day, only to restock it again at night. This egregious display of corporate ineptitude was detailed to The News & Observer by Walmart merchandise supervisor, Johnnie Walker.

Walker said he had removed the products earlier in the week, but clerks restocked the shelves overnight, unaware that the pet food had been recalled. “At night they didn’t know better,” Walker said. “It’s just confusing.”

Though the pet food recall has expanded to over 100 brands, Walmart has been unable to implement a recall strategy that extends beyond blocking the purchase of tainted items at the register. If your pet wants food, consider shopping somewhere other than Walmart. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Jamba Juice Says It Doesn't Sell Milk-Filled "Non-Dairy Blend"

Jamba Juice Says It Doesn't Sell Milk-Filled "Non-Dairy Blend"

In response to our post, Jamba Juice PR today tells The Consumerist they don’t sell a “non-dairy blend,” and their non-dairy options don’t contain milk.

Steak 'N Shake Needs To Be Aware Of Milk Allergies

Steak 'N Shake Needs To Be Aware Of Milk Allergies

On a recent visit to your North Canton Belden store, I noticed you had new yogurt shakes, made with ” fruit and yogurt” Being lactose intolerant ( and as all lactose intolerant people know) frozen yogurt and yogurt is a good alternative to ice cream as it does not contain the harmful lactose present in milk. I made the comment to the waitress that I was allergic to milk and was glad to see the new product. When she brought my shake, I again asked if she was sure it had no milk in it, and she thought a minute, and said it had “this much” milk used to thin the yogurt mix. She indicated almost half the size of the container. If I wouldn’t have asked, I would have been in the hospital by evening. It happened to me before when I had ordered a yogurt shake at a Dairy Queen, and they ran out of yogurt and made it with milk without telling me. I ended up in the emergency room.