
5 Pedometers That'll Knock Your Socks Off

5 Pedometers That'll Knock Your Socks Off

Whether you’re looking to start a serious exercise plan or simply want to keep track of how much walking you’re doing, a good pedometer can be one solution for tracking your progress. And today’s models are up to the task — having come a long way from the “shake and count” versions of just a decade or so ago. To find out which pedometer should be named King of the Walkers, Money magazine tested the five top units.

Today Sponge Relaunches With Website That Appears To Be Aimed At 6 Year-Old Girls

Today Sponge Relaunches With Website That Appears To Be Aimed At 6 Year-Old Girls

The Today Sponge, the contraceptive sponge made famous by the TV show Seinfeld, has relaunched in the US with a brand new website and brand new package design…

How To Identify Botulism Symptoms

How To Identify Botulism Symptoms

Botulism is an incredibly serious food-borne illness, and the Castleberry’s recall means we should remind ourselves of the symptoms. According to WebMD they are:

Fruit Fly Infestation Shuts Down Macy's Food Court

Fruit Fly Infestation Shuts Down Macy's Food Court

Health inspectors found over 200 fruit flies infesting the lower level food court of the Macy’s State Street store in Chicago. Inspectors first discovered the infestation last week after a disgusted customer complained to 311. Food court employees apparently were not bothered by either the fruit flies or the health inspectors. From the Chicago Tribune:

“Not only did they not do anything, the problems seemed to get worse,” [Tim Hadac, spokesman for the Chicago Department of Public Health] said. “It was a surprising and disappointing lack of adherence to basic food safety regulation… We stopped counting fruit flies when they hit 200.”

The inspectors also found:

Mission: Find Castleberry's Products Recalled For Botulism Still On Shelves

Mission: Find Castleberry's Products Recalled For Botulism Still On Shelves

Two days ago, Castleberry’s expanded the list of chilis and pet foods they were recalling due to possible botulism contamination. By now should have been enough time for retailers to comply, so let’s help them out.

Obesity Is Out Of Control

Obesity Is Out Of Control

A CNN map shows the American obesity epidemic since 1985, and it’s freaky. Why is it happening? High fructose corn syrup? Fast food? Cheap carbohydrates? Lack of moral fiber?

McDonald's Introduces 1/3 Pound Burger

Supersize Me’s effects have worn off. Burger King takes market share by introducing more calorie rich items. And, you need something for the new 42 oz Hugo to wash down.

Get Ready For Insecticide Resistant Lice

Get Ready For Insecticide Resistant Lice

OTC insecticides used to kill lice, such as NIX and RID, are becoming less useful, according to the WSJ.


Nintendo will introduce a step-board-like Wii peripheral that senses your movement, measures your Body Mass Index, ratcheting up the system’s physically active game factor. [Seattle P-I]


Surgeon General testifies that Bush administration applied pressure to supress key health reports to serve political purposes. [NYT]

How To Eat Healthy For Less Money

How To Eat Healthy For Less Money

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center has tips for eating healthy while saving money, and we think the tips are great.


Ever wonder how well your local hospital handles heart attacks? The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have updated their Hospital Compare utility to include data on heart attacks and heart failure.

Organic Fruit Healthier Than Standard Produce

Organic Fruit Healthier Than Standard Produce

A ten-year study found that organic tomatoes contain twice as many antioxidants as conventionally grown tomatoes. The study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry claims that when compared to standard produce, organic strains contain higher levels of two high blood pressure-fighting flavonoids.

These findings also confirm recent European research, which showed that organic tomatoes, peaches and processed apples all have higher nutritional quality than non-organic


FDA won’t update 30 year old regs for sunscreen, letting manufacturers get away with improbable claims, and leaving customers burnt.

Cellphones Test Positive For Harmful Bacteria AKA Hold Something Against Your Face A Lot And You'll Get Germs On It

The report from January 2006 neglected to say whether the amount found was enough to cause infection, or whether they had tested the cellphone owners for occurrences of the bacteria found on their own phones.

FDA: Veggie Booty Snack Food Contaminated With Salmonella

FDA: Veggie Booty Snack Food Contaminated With Salmonella

The FDA is warning consumers not to eat Veggie Booty snack food, because there is a risk of salmonella contamination. Reader Ethan asked us to announce this recall because “Pretty much everyone I know who has a toddler buys this stuff.” We’d never heard of it, but calls it “crack for babies” and says it smells “funkier than poop.” Ok.


Amtrak kicks diabetic man off the train in the middle of the woods. “Amtrak personnel told police dispatchers that Sims was drunk and unruly…The Sims family said Sims is diabetic and was going into shock.”


Top 10 Ways to Repel Mosquitoes with minimal cash outlay.