
New Handshakes For The Swine Flu

New Handshakes For The Swine Flu

To help prevent swine flu, here are some new handshakes that minimize direct human contact.

Walgreens Pharmacist Sends Hand Written Thank You Note To Customer

Walgreens Pharmacist Sends Hand Written Thank You Note To Customer

Whether it’s rational or not, there’s something very satisfying when your pharmacist acknowledges you personally—it makes you feel like this expert you’re placing such trust in takes the job, and you, seriously. In our experience it’s a rare thing to see from pharmacists at chain drugstores, but Mike just had a great encounter with his Walgreens pharmacist when he moved to a new town.

Blue Cross Blue Shields On Twitter

Blue Cross Blue Shields On Twitter

A few Blue Cross Blue Shield divisions recently started Twittering, talking about health issues, saying nice things about their company and proactively reaching out to patients complaining about their services: @BCBSIL, @BCBSNM, @BCBSTX, @BCBSOK.

Track The H1N1 Swine Flu Across The Globe

Track The H1N1 Swine Flu Across The Globe

Everyone’s still unsure whether the H1N1 Swine Flu is a mild outbreak or something worse, but in the meantime you can amuse yourself with this grim Google Map of suspected and actual cases around the globe. It will give you something to do until the time comes when you have to decide between joining Randall Flagg or Mother Abagail.

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Don't Cut Risk Of Dementia After All

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Don't Cut Risk Of Dementia After All

The latest study of people who take large amounts of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) indicates that, contrary to what earlier studies suggested, they don’t seem to cut the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. In fact, it’s just the opposite: “During the study, 476 people developed dementia, and heavy NSAID users had a 66% higher risk of developing the condition than those with low or no use.”


5 Ways to Save On Organic Food “When I’m in the grocery store I’m always pulled two ways. I want to load up on organics but I balk at the cost. What’s worth the extra money?” [Consumer Reports Health]

Latest Brew-Ha-Ha: Cancer In Your Teacup

Latest Brew-Ha-Ha: Cancer In Your Teacup

Enjoying your piping hot breakfast cuppa? Well, get a thermometer and a timer. Because the latest cancer scare comes in the form of overly hot tea (or other liquids), sipped too soon.

AIG Keeps Fighting Man Over Wheelchair, Glasses, And False Leg

AIG Keeps Fighting Man Over Wheelchair, Glasses, And False Leg

AIG needs its money for its own problems, people, and doesn’t want to have to share with insurance claimants! That’s why they’ve fought every request from John Woodson, a man who lost a leg, an eye, and 70% of the vision in the remaining eye while working as a contractor in Iraq. He told ABC News, “You constantly are worried about who is going to pay these bills, who is going to take care of me? Because you can’t rely on AIG to come through for you. I don’t understand how a company of their size and their magnitude, with government bailouts and money and support, I don’t understand their not taking care of the individuals that were injured.”

Trade Group Asks Obamas To Please Use Pesticides In Their Vegetable Garden

Trade Group Asks Obamas To Please Use Pesticides In Their Vegetable Garden

We don’t blame the Mid America CropLife Association (MACA)— a pesticide an agribusiness trade group—for promoting its interests, but we still think it’s funny that they’ve asked the first family to not grow organic vegetables in the White House vegetable garden. MACA’s Executive Director Bonnie McCarvel sent a long letter to Michelle Obama reminding her of the importance of technology in modern farming, then publicized the letter via an email where she noted, “While a garden is a great idea, the thought of it being organic made Janet Braun, CropLife Ambassador Coordinator and I shudder.”

Got Allergies? Try Pouring Liquid Up Your Nose

Got Allergies? Try Pouring Liquid Up Your Nose

A couple of years ago, I was complaining to my friend about my allergies and she suggested I try a neti pot—she said she had one and it really helped her. I nodded politely but assumed she was crazy, because we were in Brooklyn and because she works in theater. I also didn’t like the idea of irrigating my nose, because the only reference point I have for that sort of thing is diving incorrectly at the public pool, and it’s never pleasant. But the New York Times says neti pots really do work, and several recent studies indicate that they can be effective, and cheap, treatments for nasal allergies.

9 Legal Drugs With Extremely Disturbing Side Effects

9 Legal Drugs With Extremely Disturbing Side Effects

We asked for it and you sent them in, a smorgasbord of drugs with extremely disturbing side effects. Here’s nine of the most disturbing we found. Jeez! Sometimes the cure really can be worse than the disease…

New York Times Calls Botox "The Duct Tape Of Medicine"

New York Times Calls Botox "The Duct Tape Of Medicine"

Who knew botulism could be so awesome? Botox is Allergan’s cash cow, earning the pharmaceutical company $1.3 billion last year alone. The funny thing about the toxin—originally developed as a biological weapon—is it works for a lot of “off-label” uses as well (like treating anal fissures and preventing hair loss), and Allergan says that non-cosmetic applications could be an even bigger market because health insurers will help pay for the treatments. Likely upcoming FDA-approved treatments: stroke-induced muscle spasms, chronic migraines, and enlarged prostates.

Zales Fires Top Earning Saleswoman Because She Needs Surgery

Zales Fires Top Earning Saleswoman Because She Needs Surgery

A saleswoman for Zales who had earned 5 diamonds and almost a dozen commendations over the past 4 1/2 years—she’s the area’s first employee to earn a million dollars in sales in one year—was terminated last month, one week after she requested time off to have surgery for a life-threatening aortic aneurysm.

Haggle With Hospitals

Medical bill too high? Have you tried haggling? NYT writes:

What's HIPAA All About?

What's HIPAA All About?

If someone says “HIPAA” and you think they might be talking about a herd of hippos, you got some reading to do. The “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” protects the health insurance workers and their families when they lose their jobs, and also protects the confidentiality of patients’ records. Like all big laws, it’s a bit of a thicket to navigate, so the World Privacy Forum just published a “Patient’s Guide to HIPAA” to help chop your way through it. Check it out and bone up on your rights.

Obesity, The Terrorist Threat Within

Obesity, The Terrorist Threat Within

In 2006, the State Department reported terrorism killed 28 US citizens. That same year, the CDC estimated obesity killed 112,000. Picking up where Supersize Me left off, Steven Greenstreet’s doc Killer at Large tries to figure out how we got this fat this fast. I haven’t seen the full film but I’m guessing HFCS getting splooged into everything is a major culprit. No, it’s not a question of HFCS vs Sugar, it’s the sweetening of nearly every product in America, a trend that just happened to be concurrent with the surge in the use of HFCS.

Blogger Loses 54.6 Pounds In 10 Weeks

Blogger Loses 54.6 Pounds In 10 Weeks

UPDATE: How I Lost 100.4 Pounds In 6 Months

Stay Informed About The Pistachio Salmonella Apocalypse

Stay Informed About The Pistachio Salmonella Apocalypse

There have been quite a few “salmonella pistachio” recalls in the past few days, so the FDA has set up pistachio HQ on their website. You can search and/or browse the Pistachio Recalled Products List, learn about salmonella, and generally freak out about contaminated pistachios.