There are few images more heartbreakingly depressing than an elderly person who eagerly awaits the daily delivery of mail — even junk mail — just so they’ll have something to look at that afternoon. But according to Nevada Senator Harry Reid, this is precisely why everything must be done to save the U.S. Postal Service. [More]
harry reid

Senate Postpones Vote On PIPA
As you may have heard the other day, the Senate was set to vote next Tuesday on the controversial anti-online-piracy Protect IP Act, but after the entire Internet seemed to raise its voice in opposition to the bill — and a number of Senators quickly changed their opinions — that vote has been put aside for the time being. [More]

Senators Ask FTC To Investigate Possible Price Fixing By Oil Refiners
Even though the U.S. Attorney General has already begun an inter-agency investigation into the manipulation of oil prices, three senators have asked the Jon Leibowitz, Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission and Consumerist pal, to investigate possible price fixing by this country’s oil refiners. [More]

Senator Reid Identity Theft Victim
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid canceled his Mastercard after someone stole it and ran up over $2000 in charges.