Anyone expecting to someday see Harriet Tubman’s image grace the front of the $20 bill may be in for a long wait. In a new interview, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin hinted that the Trump administration may back off the planned change that would have had Tubman take Andrew Jackson’s place on the bill. [More]
Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman To Replace Andrew Jackson On $20 Bill… Eventually.
In a – maybe not – surprising turn of events on Wednesday, the U.S. Treasury Department changed its tune about ousting Alexander Hamilton from the front of the $10 bill in favor of a woman, and instead will replace Andrew Jackson’s mug on the $20 bill with that of Harriet Tubman, though it will still be years before the new design is released. [More]

Poll: Americans Want Eleanor Roosevelt’s Face On New $10 Bill
Although we won’t find out which historic woman the U.S. Treasury Department will choose for a new $10 bill until later this year, a new poll says Americans already know who they want sharing face time with Alexander Hamilton: The nation’s longest-serving first lady, as well as an activist, diplomat and politician, Eleanor Roosevelt. [More]

Lawmaker Urges Congress To Vote On Bill That Would Put A Woman On The $20 Note
You don’t have to look in your wallet to know that no paper U.S. currency features the face of an American woman, but one lawmaker wants that to change sometime soon: Rep. Luis Gutierrez urged Congress today to vote on a bill he introduced last month that would change the face of money as we know it, literally, by putting a woman on the $20 bill. [More]