What’s a folk design and what’s an original design? The origin of a design like a rag doll is lost to memory, but should the specifics of a given doll’s design be the property of its designer? That’s the question at the core of the ongoing controversy over Nebraska-based holiday trinket maker Cody Foster and its items that strongly resemble those sold by independent artists. [More]

Artisanal Is The New Organic
There’s a burgeoning artisanal market in the U.S., where goods made by hand or in small batches–and marketed with lots of footnotes and descriptions of quality–are growing increasingly more popular. But why, and is it just a hipster lifestyle ingredient or an actual shift in the larger population? [More]

The iMaxi Is A Disturbingly Appropriate iPad Case
There are a lot of people who don’t like the name of the iPad, Apple’s upcoming device that will save the news industry, destroy the nettop market, cure cancer, and save the princess. This is because the name makes them think of feminine hygiene products. An Etsy seller took the product’s name as inspiration, and has produced the iMaxi: a handmade, utilitarian case designed to protect your iPad and look exactly like a gigantic menstrual pad. [More]

New Toy Safety Rule Has Collateral Damage: Handmade Toy Manufacturers
Thanks to big companies like Mattel, this may be the last Christmas season for a lot of handmade or custom toys from small businesses.