
Mac Cloner Psystar Sells T-Shirts, Vows Comeback

Mac Cloner Psystar Sells T-Shirts, Vows Comeback

You may not be able to buy Mac clones from Hackintosh-maker Psystar anymore , but if you’re looking to relive those glory days of running OS X on generic hardware, Psystar has a t-shirt for you. And it looks like they even designed it themselves, rather than modifying the fabric of some other company’s shirt so that it would work on their loom. [More]

MSN Calls The Hackintosh "Amazing"

MSN Calls The Hackintosh "Amazing"

MSN has a neat article about the 38 “amazing things” that you didn’t know the technology you own could do. The well-meaning writers posted about a neat tech trick, without realizing how it could be misinterpreted.