Ah, holiday tipping, that peculiarly American pastime that erupts into an orgy of envelopes and awkward “thank you”s at the end of every year. Kiplinger tries the impossible: putting together a guide for who to tip and how much to give. Even they admit that it’s nigh impossible to create a definitive guide—they suggest “handing out end-of-the year tips for one to three people who have given you exemplary service during the year.”

Live Without Credit Cards
The best way to escape from our mindless purchase economy is to ignore your credit cards in favor of pure, reliable cash. Credit cards undoubtedly have value – purchase protection, rewards, convenience – but only for consumers who use credit responsibly. No Credit Needed wrote a useful guide for anyone willing to live the credit-free life.

Upgrade Or Repair Your Home With Eco-Friendly Products
Despite all the media attention, buying well-made, affordable products that are also environmentally sound is still a difficult task. Kiplinger’s “Shopping Guide to Eco-Friendly Products” offers several suggestions to help you buy green and get a solid deal on major appliances, lawn care, building supplies, and home maintenance.

Still Not Sure What To Get For Mother's Day? Consumer Reports Has A Guide For You
What tips do you have for last minute shoppers? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER
Sensible Words About Rebates
Rebates are a huge point of controversy. We tend to be against them because they are designed to screw you, the consumer, out of money. However, some people have a lot of luck with rebates and we don’t want to completely leave them out, so we’re going to link to Wise Bread, where there is a well-reasoned and realistic guide to rebating. Just keep in mind that if you are forgetful like some of us, rebates are your enemy. Mortal enemy. Nemesis. The Darth to your Luke. The Wicked Witch to your Dorothy.

HOWTO: Negotiate Your Gym Membership Like a Diva
Getting a gym membership without getting screwed is next to impossible, right? Wrong. Here are some simple negotiating tactics that will have you jazzercising in no time.

HOWTO: Avoid ID Theft
According a Gallup poll 19% of consumers report having their financial information stolen including a bank or credit card number.

HOWTO: Dispute a Utility Bill
While it doesn’t compare to Michelle’s $27,933.55 bill, last year we received what can only be called a totally bullshit $170 electric bill for a month when everyone was out of town. The problem was–we had no idea how to dispute it. Call in our Uncle Mickey? Scream colorful metaphors into the telephone?
HOWTO: Grocery Shop on the Cheap
Oftentimes, people will grocery shop hungry, forget the list wadded in their pocket, and grab whatever looks yummy. Once home, they realize they bought 16 rotisserie chickens, a box of Chex Mix and a 6 pack of Rolling Rock.
HOWTO: Handle Closing Dead People’s Accounts
Anyone wishing to avoid the pain voiced by Sharon G in, “Sprint Harasses Grieving Mother For Two Years,” should read the guide inside. [More]
Joey The Customer Service Rep’s Guide To Online Shopping
Hi, my name’s Joey, and I recently escaped a soul-crushing job doing Sales Support over the phone for a computer, fruit and electronics company. Many of the calls I fielded were from people who were in situations that were 100% our fault, but I noticed that the majority of the issues I solved were completely preventable because many consumers did not realize how much information was available about their purchases before they clicked “Place Order”. So, with what I know will be a hellish shopping season for both my former associates and former customers fast approaching, I decided to put together a short list of broad guidelines that could prevent a number of the problems consumers encounter.

Guides to Best & Worst WiFi Hotels
One day, glorious reams of interlocking, free and open wi-fi networks will seamlessly interlace across America. Until then, service remains a plane as broken as a pimpled and pockmarked skater video inhabitant, a matter of special concern for the road warrior.

Best Charities for your Tax Deductions
It’s tax season, a time for reflection, pauses, teeth-grinding and good times with our good pals, as Jenny writes: