
Walmart's "Great Value" Brand Pizza Could Use Some More Cheese

Walmart's "Great Value" Brand Pizza Could Use Some More Cheese

We just found this picture in our inbox with no explanation attached. Why did Shane take a picture of his Walmart pizza and send it to us?

Filthy United Airlines! Disgusting Garbage-Filled Airplane Is Not Cleaned Before Next Flight Departs

Filthy United Airlines! Disgusting Garbage-Filled Airplane Is Not Cleaned Before Next Flight Departs

How would you like to fly from Hawaii to Chicago in an airplane full of cigarette butts, candy, used tissues, pretzel bags, maxi-pad wrappers, crumbs, dirt, pens, balls of “goo”, and god knows what else just because United Airlines didn’t have “time” to clean the plane? We wouldn’t like it very much at all, and neither did Chris and his wife when they flew from Hawaii to Chicago last weekend.

Applebee's Apple Walnut Chicken Salad, Now With Free Insect Leg

Applebee's Apple Walnut Chicken Salad, Now With Free Insect Leg

Here at the Consumerist we’re wary of stories where people “find something in their food.” That being said, we believe Stacie found an enormous insect leg in her Applebee’s salad…after biting into it.

Tell 'Em About The Twinkie: What's In It?

Tell 'Em About The Twinkie: What's In It?


Inside A Bag Of Microwave Popcorn

Inside A Bag Of Microwave Popcorn

Ok, so this isn’t exactly Movietone News or anything, but we didn’t realize that whatever was in microwave popcorn was quite that nasty looking. We will never again wonder why the bag is opaque. Incidentally, we’d like to direct you to easy instructions for making your own microwave popcorn. Cheaper, healthier and it doesn’t look like dog crap that, should you see it come out of an actual dog, would likely prompt you to notify the ASPCA. —MEGHANN MARCO

Walmart Brand Chicken: Now With Steel Hex Nut?

Walmart Brand Chicken: Now With Steel Hex Nut?

Well, this is gross: Now included with your bag of Walmart’s “Great Value” house brand chicken breasts…a steel hex nut off of a very large bolt. We’ve heard of getting a prize in a box of cracker jacks, but this is ridiculous. Our tipster assures us:

No word if the nut also comes in BBQ flavor.

The chicken’s owner has informed the USDA, but has not heard back. Ew. Just, ew. More photos inside.—MEGHANN MARCO

Phoenix Aiport Uses X-ray Strip Search

Phoenix Aiport Uses X-ray Strip Search

An X-ray strip search device is being tested starting today at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Passengers selected for secondary screening are given an option of the X-ray, which uses low-dose radiation to see through clothes (with great detail) but not skin, or a pat-down. From CBS4:

Men will view male images and women will view female images, but privacy advocates are concerned that those more detailed, embarrassing images will be stored inside the machine and can be viewed at a later time.

Massive Pound-And-A-Half Rats Infest KFC/Taco Bell In The West Village

CBS 2 cameras caught dozens of them early Friday morning through the window of this closed KFC-Taco Bell in the West Village.

Human Blood in KFC

Human Blood in KFC

He took the wrapper back to the KFC and showed it to the manager. He says he was met with nothing but evasiveness and defensiveness. “They didn’t want to hear it. I kept hearing it’s not blood. There’s no way that happened…it couldn’t happen here.”

McDonald’s “Promotes” the 10 Second Rule

McDonald’s “Promotes” the 10 Second Rule

Filthy Walmart!

Filthy Walmart!

The Walmart is Taylors, SC is disgusting! One Flickr user decided it was up to him to document the filth. His Flickr set features over 100 photos of how positively post-apocalyptic this Walmart has become.

Taco Bell e. Coli: It Was California Lettuce

One likely problem is the proximity of ranching and farming operations in parts of California. Cattle and other animals harbor the bacteria, which is shed in their feces.

Customer Claims There Was Human Blood in Her Taco Bell

Customer Claims There Was Human Blood in Her Taco Bell

A customer of a Louisville KFC/Taco Bell is claiming that smears of human blood were all over her order. ” Briana Ralston says she and her 1-year-old daughter were already home, had already eaten part of their dinner by the time they discovered what looks like human blood on the bag and wrappers — even where the wrappers came into contact with the food.”

McDonald’s Re-Gifts A Burger

Yes, they handed Joel some cheese in a box. Joel, being a sane person, refused cheese in a box. “I handed her the box of cheese, and the one bite missing burger, and asked if you could please remake it…Another minute passes, the lady comes back and hands me a very very hot box with a Home style burger in it, I hand it to the girlfriend and …She opened the box and guess what! It’s her exact same burger! With the bite missing. What they did was take the spare piece of cheese, slap it on the burger, and nuke it for about a minute.”

Sean Jean Sells Dog Fur Jacket as “Faux”

    “First these jackets were falsely advertised as faux fur, and then it turned out that the fur came from a type of dog,” said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The HSUS. “This is an industry-wide problem, and our investigation demonstrates that retailers and designers aren’t paying close enough attention to composition of the fur trim they are selling. It’s especially problematic when the fur is sourced from China where domestic dogs and cats and raccoon dogs are killed in gruesome ways, even skinned alive. The safest course of action is for Sean Combs and other designers and retailers to stop using fur trim. That single act would solve the problems we have uncovered.”

E. Coli in New Jersey Taco Bell?

    Taco Bell said on Sunday it had temporarily closed one of its fast-food outlets and was working with New Jersey health authorities seeking the cause of an outbreak of e. Coli which has sickened nearly a dozen people, six of whom remain in hospital.

Beetle Found In TeaNY Iced Tea

Beetle Found In TeaNY Iced Tea