Keurig’s K-Cup coffee pods are popular brewing devices that you can find in homes, offices, and waiting rooms. There are even refrigerators with a Keurig machine built right in. Do you know where you won’t find one, though? The home of the man who invented the machine back in the ’90s, John Sylvan. [More]
green mountain coffee roasters

Now In Nespresso News: Another Day, Another Single-Cup Brewing System Makes Its Debut
Sitting high atop the lofty Green Mountain — made entirely of coffee beans, natch — sits Old Man Keurig on his Green Mountain Coffee Roasters throne. He surveys his coffee kingdom with satisfaction, after all, it’s 3/4 of the single-serving brewer market. But what’s that, on the horizon? A challenger is riding in from Europe — Nespresso.

Keurig To Open Market Research Lab Pretending To Be Retail Store In New England Mall
Fans of a product want the full retail experience. Think of the first time you visited an Apple store or the flagship L.L. Bean store, at least if you’re as much of a raging yuppie as I am. With their coffee cartridge brewers in an estimated 13% of American households, it’s not surprising that Green Mountain Coffee Roasters’ Keurig brand is about to open its very first retail store in an upscale mall near Burlington, Mass. [More]