green day

Guy From Green Day Kicked Off Southwest Because Of Saggy Pants

Guy From Green Day Kicked Off Southwest Because Of Saggy Pants

Add “saggy pants” to list of reasons you, or your favorite celebrity, can get kicked off Southwest Airlines. Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong objected to being told to pull up his pants by a flight attendant, and, according to an eyewitness who happens to be a producer for ABC 7 in San Francisco, the dispute resulted in both Mr. Armstrong and his companion being asked to leave the aircraft. [More]

Gray Tuesday: Green Day Mash Ups for Free

Gray Tuesday: Green Day Mash Ups for Free

Bundled rootkits and spyware are just the latest valid reason to stop buying music CDs from big labels, but they still don’t trump the primary: No better value than free. But ignoring that, here’s another: Record companies want to make not-for-profit remixes of music illegal. We’re as up in armchairs about that as anybody, but we still think our first colon-infested sentence has more punch, because free trumps all.