
Lawmakers Don’t Want You Wearing Google Glass Behind The Wheel Anytime Soon

Lawmakers Don’t Want You Wearing Google Glass Behind The Wheel Anytime Soon

While it’s true as some say that life is a highway, life shouldn’t be lived through Google Glass when you’re driving, say lawmakers in a smattering of states. Legislators are starting to mull over what will happen when Glass leaves its infancy and heads out into the wider world, and want to make sure no one’s cyborging on the road. [More]

‘Scroogled’: Microsoft’s Junior High Attempt To Shame Google Comes To An End

‘Scroogled’: Microsoft’s Junior High Attempt To Shame Google Comes To An End

Is Microsoft ready to take our advice and devote its resources to developing great products consumer will benefit from? It’s possible, but we aren’t psychics so the future remains a mystery. Nevertheless, now that the company has all but put the kibosh on their cringe-worthy competitor-bashing campaign, they have one less production distraction. [More]

Google Also Seeking To Hasten Robot Apocalypse With Acquisition Of Drone Company

Google Also Seeking To Hasten Robot Apocalypse With Acquisition Of Drone Company

In a move that can only logically result in a flying army of sentient, autonomous machines intent on harvesting humans, Google announced today that it is buying startup drone-maker Titan Aerospace. [More]

Soon, you too can look like a human/robot hybrid.

Google Bringing Glass To Masses Yearning To See Like A Cyborg In Public Release Next Week

Have you had $1,500 just burning a hole in your pocket, all while cursing these damnable human eyes limited by human genetics? Prepare yourself for future cyborgdom, ye members of the general public who weren’t part of Google Glass’s initial limited release — the company will open up sales to the masses next week. [More]

Not a happy heart.

What Is This Scary Heartbleed Bug, And Why Is Everyone Freaking Out About It?

One second everything on the Internet appears normal, and the next thing you know, everyone is talking about some security bug called “Heartbleed” that’s out to get us all. So what is it, and is it as scary of a problem as it seems to be? [More]

Could Google Be Getting Into The Wireless Business?

Could Google Be Getting Into The Wireless Business?

While Google is busy laying expansion plans for its Google Fiber Internet and TV service a new report claims the company is investigating the possibility of offering wireless data to consumers. [More]


Steve Jobs Called The Competition With Google’s Android System A “Holy War”

How devoted was the late Steve Jobs to the company he co-founded? Devoted enough for him to liken Apple’s competition with Google’s Android operating system to a “holy war,” according to emails unearthed by Samsung’s lawyers as part of the Korean company’s legal fight against Apple. [More]


Apple And Samsung Back In Court For Round Eleventy Billion Of Their Legal Fight

What’s happened once has happened before, and will happen again. Whether or not you ascribe to that kind of Battlestar Galactica/Rust Cohle on True Detective life view, it certainly feels like seeing Apple and Samsung in the legal ring again was inevitable. We’re on about round eleventy billion, give or take an eleventy, as the two head back to court today in a dustup over patents. Again. [More]

"Nice view overlooking the quad." - from Columbia, Missouri.

“Google Naps” Maps Show The Best Places To Catch Some Shuteye, Antarctica Included

Sometimes you just need a nap. A refreshing, wake-up-invigorated-to-tackle-the-rest-of-your-day nap. But what happens when you’re not at home and are unfamiliar with the best place to lay your head? Fear not, because a pair of Dutch developers have the solution: Google Naps. [More]

Google Glass Partners With Makers Of Ray-Ban So All The Cool Kids Will Stop Making Fun Of You

Google Glass Partners With Makers Of Ray-Ban So All The Cool Kids Will Stop Making Fun Of You

Because not everyone is down with the Geordi LaForge look currently sported by wearers of Google Glass, the company has announced its teaming up with Luxottica — the Italian eyewear company that owns Ray-Ban and Oakley, as well as a slew of licensing deals to manufacture specs for a whole lot of designer brands. [More]


Google Chat Goes Down, Stays Down, Everyone Panics At Being Cut Off From Rest Of The World

UPDATE 2:28 p.m. ET: Google posted an update about 10 minutes after the 2:15 ET target (though the post still bears a time stamp of 2:15 ET) saying some of you have been saved. [More]

(Joshua B. Leners)

Is A Google Store Coming To Manhattan? What Would It Sell?

Google isn’t just a company that provides e-mail service and a search engine anymore: they sell stuff. Actual stuff, like Chromebooks, Nexus tablets and smartphones, and Google Glass face computers. That’s recent reports that Google signed a lease on an 8,000 square foot retail space in the SoHo neighborhood aren’t at all surprising. What exactly will Google sell there, though? [More]

Google Sued Over Kids’ In-App Currency Purchases

Google Sued Over Kids’ In-App Currency Purchases

While the folks at Apple have already settled civil and regulatory complaints about in-app purchase policies that allowed children to run up huge bills on their parents’ accounts, the Google Play store has only recently come under scrutiny for its allegedly lax controls. Now, a mom in New York has filed a potential class action against the Internet giant, claiming its policies encourage kids to waste their parents’ money. [More]

Gmail Adds “Unsubscribe” Button To Make It Easier To Opt Out Of Marketing Emails

Gmail Adds “Unsubscribe” Button To Make It Easier To Opt Out Of Marketing Emails

Whether you don’t remember ever signing up in the first place or suspect that somehow a company sneaked you onto its marketing list, Gmail users hunting for that sometimes squirrelly “unsubscribe” link won’t find it so tricky. Google’s adding an additional way to opt out of marketing emails with an “unsubscribe” button at the top of messages. [More]

Real Competition From Google Or Window-Dressing For FCC? Time Warner Cable Improves Speeds In Austin

Real Competition From Google Or Window-Dressing For FCC? Time Warner Cable Improves Speeds In Austin

Here are two facts: Google Fiber is coming to Austin, and Time Warner Cable is being bought by Comcast. The question is: Which one of these two facts is the cause for TWC’s significantly ramped-up service in the Texas capital? [More]

The markets in green either currently offer Google Fiber or are in the process of building the network. The markets in red are the possible expansion cities for Google Fiber.

Google Fiber Looking To Expand To 9 New Markets

While lawmakers hungry for cable industry dollars have been trying to fight the growth of third-party fiberoptic service providers, the folks at Google continue their slow expansion of Google Fiber service with the news today that the company hopes to bring Fiber to nine new metro areas. [More]

Google, Rest of Internet Urge Congress To Change NSA Surveillance Laws

Google, Rest of Internet Urge Congress To Change NSA Surveillance Laws

A large coalition of internet companies and advocacy groups has declared today “The Day We Fight Back” against mass surveillance. The coalition is urging US citizens to contact their legislators to ask for Congressional intervention on mass surveillance programs. [More]

Al Franken Isn’t Too Keen On Google Glass Face-Recognition App

Al Franken Isn’t Too Keen On Google Glass Face-Recognition App

Some people wouldn’t have a problem with you shooting photos and video of the people you pass as you stroll down the street sporting your Google Glass headgear. But if you could use a facial recognition app on that same device to glean personal information about complete strangers, it’s probably not going to be as warmly received. [More]