Google Street View car


Google Street View Car Involved In “Minor” Accident With Another Vehicle

Google Street View cars see a lot of stuff when they’re out cruising the highways and byways of the world, including traffic collisions. Whether or not one mapping car in Michigan captured its own accident on camera, we can only guess, but at least one bystander was on hand to snap a photo of the event. [More]

Hey, donkey, you sleepin'?

Google Says Street View Car Didn’t Hit That Donkey Lying In The Road, It’s Just Sleeping

So there’s this donkey, on a road in Botswana, right? And like, it seemed as if he was just going along on his little donkey way when along comes Google’s Street View car and what’s this? Suddenly he’s lying on the ground. That is the sequence of events some are citing while accusing Google’s car of hitting — and gulp, maybe killing — the poor fella. But Google says its own set of pictures shows that’s not the case at all. [More]