Maybe you saw a photo of Converse’s new version of their classic Chuck Taylor All-Stars and wondered what the big deal is. “So they changed the eyelet color,” you say. “What’s the difference?” To appease people like you, Converse virtually exploded one of their new shoes so you can see what’s inside. [More]

Brilliant Marketing: Car Rental Company Rents Hot Wheels To Kids
When families go on vacation, parents get to drive around a shiny and different vehicle, but what do kids get to drive? Nothing! It happened that toy-maker Mattel and car-renter Europcar are clients of the same ad agency, and they formed an interesting idea: what if there were a counter where children could rent cars, too? Pocket-sized cars, that is. Hot Wheels. [More]

Old Spice Slips Phone Number Into Commercial…Where Callers Could Win Super Bowl Tickets
In a current ad for Old Spice shampoos, a man’s hair charms a female co-worker, and she writes down her phone number. One viewer of the ad noticed something strange about that number: it was toll-free. More importantly, why didn’t it use 555 for the first three digits like most fictional phone numbers do? There was only one thing to do: call the number and find out. [More]

Adblock Plus: Internet Heroes Or Banner Ad Shakedown Artists?
Most of our readers are familiar with Adblock Plus, the browser extension that does what the name describes: blocks ads. For some people, it’s the only thing that makes browsing the Internet tolerable; for others, it’s an evil entity strangling the media industry. What you may not know is that the open-source extension is allowing some advertisers access to your eyeballs…but only if users deem them acceptable. Oh, and some large sites have to pay. [More]
Great Moments In Commercial History: Johnson Automotive
This badger is our new favorite thing.