I’m not saying I want to be fired in the middle of an investigation into a scandal involving one of the country’s busiest airports, but if it were to happen, I’d want the same deal that ousted United Airlines CEO Jeff Smisek is getting. [More]
golden parachutes

Ousted United Airlines CEO Smisek Scores Millions Of Dollars, Free Flights, Airport Parking Forever

AIG Says It Will Try Harder To Cut Costs, Begins By Canceling $10 Million Severance Package
AIG has been repeatedly called on the carpet over the past week or so for indefensible “business as usual” expenditures—a lavish corporate retreat, an executive hunting trip, and severance packages costing tens of millions of dollars. Now, after a meeting with NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, they’ve announced they’ll start trying harder to monitor and stomp out unnecessary expenses.

Fifteen Shocking CEO Severances
Here’s another tip for our Make the Most of Unemployment guide: if you’re going to get fired, be a CEO. HR World has rounded up 15 of the most shocking golden parachutes given out by big corporations to their departing leaders. Some of our favorites, inside.

Why Sprint Can't Fire Gary Forsee: A Known Bad Is Better Than An Unknown Worse
For Sprint, life with Gary might be bad, but who knows how much worse it could be without him? That’s the rationale keeping the shareholders from replacing the CEO, asserts an internal Sprint source.