Every now and then, a story reminds us that history is weirder than we can possibly imagine. For example: That time in 1960 when U.S. marshals arrested a nine-inch, 14-pound statue of a rooster and put it on trial. [More]
gold standard

Utah Makes Scrooge McDuck Money Bins A Possibility
Those who dream of constructing giant towers filled with gold and silver coins in which to swim, and doing so with the knowledge that their coins are as good as cash, may want to look at moving to Utah. The state has pushed through legislation that makes gold and silver coins legal currency. [More]

Utah Considers Making Gold And Silver Legal Tender
Utah’s state house took a step toward allowing gold and silver to be accepted as cash, passing a bill that would recognize government-issued gold and silver coins for not only their face value, but the value given to the items by collectors. If the bill passes, the state would study the idea of establishing an alternative form of currency backed by silver and gold. [More]

How Uncle Sam Killed The Liberty Dollar
There’s a new story in Triple Canopy about The Liberty Dollar, an alternative American currency started by Bernard von NotHaus that experienced a grassroots backing among some shoppers and merchants, until the Feds shut it down. Unlike the “real” dollar, Liberty Dollars are in fact…