Though legislative moves to require labels on food products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have failed, the folks at Whole Foods have decided to step up and announce a plan to sort through all of the items it sells to determine which ones may contain the controversial ingredients. [More]

Do You Want To Know If Your Food Has Genetically Modified Ingredients?
There are different kinds of consumers out there. There are those who want to know everything there is to know about what they’re eating, and those who basically don’t want to know how their sausage is made. Californians in the first group of consumers saw their hopes dashed during last night’s election, where a voters defeated a proposition that would make it the law of the land to alert consumers by way of a label if food contained genetically modified ingredients. [More]

Evil Mutant Cotton Sneaks Into H&M "Organic" Clothing
Global fast fashion retailer H&M and European chains C&A and Tchibo have been caught selling misleading “organic cotton” products to consumers. Independent testing done by Germany’s Financial Times showed that 30% of the samples contained genetically modified strains of cotton. Oops. [More]