In response to its recent publicity crisis — spurred in part by the forcible removal of a ticketed passenger so an employee could take his seat — United Airlines has been trying to change how it handles overbooked flights, while still maintaining its bottomline. Now, United wants to pay travelers for their seats on popular flights — so it can turn around and sell that ticket to someone else for more money. [More]
gimme my money

Here’s How To Get Your $5 Drone Registration Fee Refund From The FAA
Did you pay $5 to register your drone with the Federal Aviation Administration? Now that an appeals court has overturned the agency’s rule requiring hobbyist drone operators to register their aircraft, you can get your money back and remove your name from the federal database. [More]

How To Get Your Refund From Amazon For Your Kids’ Unauthorized In-App Purchases
If you’ve been waiting patiently for a refund from Amazon for in-app purchases your kids made without your permission, your time has come. [More]

Walmart’s Jet.Com Charged Me Sales Tax On Tax-Exempt Items. What Can I Do?
We understand that sales taxes can be a nightmare for a retailer trying to sell to everyone everywhere at once. What’s taxed in one state is tax-exempt in another, and then a third state only taxes that product above a certain dollar value. Most major online retailers have figured out this mess, but what do you do when a website charges you tax on an item that you know is exempt? [More]

IRS Waiting On 1 Million Taxpayers To Claim Almost $1B In Refunds From 2012
Because we know our readers aren’t the type to pass up free money, now would be a good time for you to check and make sure you claimed your 2012 tax refund: according to the Internal Revenue Service, about a million taxpayers have yet to collect almost a billion dollars in federal refunds from that tax year. And the clock is ticking. [More]

A Fresh Set Of Mishaps In Settlement Checks Sent To Wronged Homeowners
A few weeks ago we reported on the trouble some victims of wrongful foreclosure had cashing the checks sent to them that were supposed to make up for troubles they’d been through. And now it seems those homeowners aren’t done being frustrated, as some are reporting that a new round of checks have been written out in the wrong amounts. Sigh. [More]