Hello! Do you like our series that has been breaking down real-life cable and satellite bills to help explain what all those dozens of little charges are? Us, too! We’d like to add DISH NETWORK to the list (which so far includes Comcast, DirecTV, Charter, TWC, Uverse, and FiOS) but to make that happen we need some help. Namely, bills from real-life Dish subscribers! If you’re willing to share yours with us, please e-mail a copy to tips@consumerist.com. As always, we won’t publish any identifying information, but the more we have the more right we can make the story. Thanks, and here is a picture of a cat. [More]
get by with a little help…

Cop Buys $100 Worth Of Groceries For Woman After She Admits To Shoplifting
Truth be told, we like happy endings better than the ones that only serve to remind us that some consumers are doing things they shouldn’t. That’s why it’s especially warming in our old tickers to hear that after a single mother was stopped for shoplifting, the police officer involved went ahead and bought her $100 worth of groceries to resolve the situation. [More]

Customers Pitch In To Save Business Almost Ruined By Ill-Advised Groupon Deal
Since Groupon launched, we’ve written a handful of stories about businesses — like the bakery that claimed $19,500 in losses and the cafe owner who called it the “single worst decision” she’d ever made — that said they took on huge amounts of red ink when they were overwhelmed by bargain-hunting shoppers who only wanted the discount. Well, here’s a story that’s slightly different, in that the shop’s regular customers have come to the rescue to save the sinking business. [More]