When a pair of agribusiness-funded Senators introduced last-minute, fast-tracked legislation to outlaw Vermont’s new labels for foods containing genetically modified ingredients, they claimed that their new national standard would close the so-called “pepperoni pizza loophole” in the Vermont rules — referring to a confusing clause that would apply the labeling rule to frozen cheese pizza, but not to pizza with any meat toppings. However, a look at the federal bill that was fast-tracked through Congress and appears to be destined for a quick vote by the House, shows that the legislation creates more loopholes than it closes. [More]
genetically modified foods

Senate Approves Bill To Outlaw Vermont GMO Labels, Replace Them With Barcodes
Even though some of the nation’s largest food producers — including General Mills, PepsiCo, Campbell Soup, Mars Inc., Bimbo, and Nestle — have already updated their packaging to comply with Vermont’s new labeling requirement for foods containing genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, these tiny lines of text may be short lived. Last night, the U.S. Senate voted to approve legislation that will not only outlaw Vermont’s labeling requirement, but eventually (maybe) replace these text labels with something as obscure as a barcode. [More]

Senate Bill To Strike Down Vermont GMO Labels, Replace Them With Barcodes, Clears Hurdle
The Vermont law requiring labels on many foods with genetically modified (GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) ingredients went into effect last week, but the move by the federal government to overturn that law and eventually replace the tiny text labels with barcodes has cleared a significant hurdle in the U.S. Senate. [More]

Mars Will Also Label Its Products With GMO-Related Info
Following the recent failure of a Senate bill that would have made it voluntary for companies to label genetically modified ingredients, another packaged food biggie is agreeing to hop on the GMO-labeling bandwagon. This time, it’s snack superpower Mars Inc. [More]

Senate Votes Down Bill That Would Have Overturned States’ GMO Labeling Laws
Regardless of whether you’re against, for, or ambivalent about genetically modified foods, surveys show that an overwhelming majority of Americans at least want to know whether the items they buy contain genetically engineered ingredients, and some states have enacted laws intended to require labeling of GMO and GE products. Today, the U.S. Senate voted to strike down a new piece of legislation that would have overturned these local laws in favor of a voluntary labeling program. [More]

Campbell Soup To Label Products Containing GMOs, Supports Mandatory Labeling
While some large food producers contend that mandatory labeling of products containing genetically modified or genetically engineered ingredients would be a burdensome and unnecessary requirement, the folks at Campbell Soup Company have decided to not only voluntarily label their GMO-containing products but to publicly support mandatory GMO labeling. [More]

Poll: 9-In-10 Americans Support GMO Labeling
Last month, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first-ever genetically engineered animal for sale as food in the U.S., but declared that this salmon would not need to carry any label identifying it as a genetically modified food product, much like the many items currently on grocery store shelves made with GMO grains and other ingredients. But the results of a new national poll seem to indicate that most consumers would appreciate having a heads-up about the GMO content of the food they buy. [More]

Whole Foods Reportedly Ditching Chobani Over GMO Concerns
If Chobani’s recall woes weren’t enough, the maker of the Greek-style yogurt may also be losing an important retail partner with Whole Foods reportedly planning to stop shelving the stuff in the coming year over concerns about genetically modified content. [More]

Whole Foods To Begin Labeling Genetically Modified Products
Though legislative moves to require labels on food products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have failed, the folks at Whole Foods have decided to step up and announce a plan to sort through all of the items it sells to determine which ones may contain the controversial ingredients. [More]

Dr. Frankenstein Makes Bacon Good For You!
We know this is disgusting, but one of our favorite sandwiches is the peanut butter and bacon sandwich. It’s as simple as it sounds: fry up some bacon. None of the ham-like, Canadian or rasher variety — the crispier the better. Next, place it between two pieces of bread and slather this inside with a gooey layer of crunchy peanut butter. If you’d like, lightly grill it in a buttered frying pan.