It sounds like something straight out of The Onion, but it’s true: A factory in China that manufactured batteries for the now-defunct Samsung Galaxy Note 7 line of phones — all recalled due to their propensity for the batteries to burst into flame — itself suffered a fire this morning. [More]
galaxy note 7 recall

Samsung Investigation Reveals New Details About Note7 Battery Failures
Samsung says two different battery flaws were to blame for the fires that plagued its flagship Galaxy Note7 smartphone throughout the fall, leading to two separate recalls and, ultimately, the permanent withdrawal of the model from the market. The details are being released after an internal investigation, following weeks of speculation by reporters and analysts about what the company’s report would conclude. [More]

Verizon Will Allow Samsung To Brick Remaining Galaxy Note 7 Phones In January
Last week, Samsung announced that it will soon push out a software update for the Galaxy Note 7 that will have the effect of rendering the recalled device useless. At the time, Verizon pushed back, saying it would not forward this update on to Note 7 users on its wireless network. The telecom giant has since agreed to allow the phone-bricking update to go through, but not until January. [More]

Samsung To World: We’re Super Duper Sorry About That Whole Exploding Phone Thing
Samsung has a problem: a lot of their stuff has been in the headlines lately for exploding. Between the months-long Galaxy Note 7 debacle, and the much more recent washing machine recall, the premium tech company is quickly getting a bad reputation for going boom. So Samsung’s trying to get out in front of it, promising the U.S. and the world that it’s so, so sorry and won’t do it again. [More]

Samsung Did Test Galaxy Note 7 Batteries Before Selling Phones, But Only In-House
As we all know by now, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone has a pretty big design flaw in it that makes the batteries extra-flammable. The phone is totally recalled and permanently off the market now, an expensive debacle for Samsung. But how, one might wonder, does a flaw that big actually escape notice during testing? Was there even testing? [More]

Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 Debacle Will Likely Cost Company $3B
Surprise! All the trouble Samsung has had with its Galaxy Note 7 — the non-recall, the official recall, scrapping the production of the devices, and finally, the recall of replacement phones — is going to hit the company where it hurts: right in the piggy bank. [More]

Samsung Officially Recalls All Galaxy Note 7 Phones, Including Replacement Devices
Not even two months after Samsung first released the Galaxy Note 7, the phone has already been recalled and replaced, only to be discontinued. Now, for the second time in five weeks, Samsung and U.S. safety regulators have issued an official recall covering all Galaxy Note 7 phones. [More]

Samsung Permanently Scraps All Galaxy Note 7 Production
Having to recall a line of premium, high-end smartphones once for exploding is bad enough. But when the replacement, supposedly safe phones also turn out to be unexpectedly flammable, well, that’s a sign that perhaps the phone is a dud and should be consigned to the scrap heap of device history for good. And, reports say, that’s exactly what Samsung is doing with the now-infamously defective Galaxy Note 7. [More]

U.S. Safety Regulators: Power Down Your Replacement Galaxy Note 7s
First, Samsung halted production on the non-recalled Galaxy Note 7, then all the wireless providers and Best Buy stop selling the phone. Now the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is saying that folks who have one of these devices should power them down while the agency investigates new reports of exploding and overheating phones. [More]

Best Buy & All Major Wireless Providers Have Stopped Selling Note 7
Following last night’s news that Samsung had once again halted production on the Galaxy Note 7, all four of the nation’s major wireless provider, and its biggest electronics retailer, say they have all pulled the Note 7 from sale. [More]

Samsung Reportedly Halts Production On Samsung Note 7… Again
More than a month after Samsung first halted production on the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 amid incidents of exploding and smoking batteries, a new report out South Korea claims that the electronics giant has once again stopped producing the phone following news that supposedly safe Note 7 devices might have a similar defect to the original. [More]

Federal Safety Regulators Investigating Report Of Replacement Samsung Note 7 Catching Fire
Earlier today, a Southwest Airlines flight from Louisville to Baltimore had to be evacuated after smoke and fire began to spew out of a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, one that was replaced and should not have had an overheating battery. Now, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has confirmed that it is looking into this incident. [More]

Carriers Now Taking Orders For Non-Exploding Version Of Galaxy Note 7
If you’ve been waiting for the now-official recall of the Samsung Galaxy Note smartphone to conclude before ordering your own phone, good news: as replacement phones are about to arrive, at least one carrier has opened orders up to people who want the phone and don’t yet own one. [More]