
Costco Shopper Writes Insane Fake Shopping Lists For The
Amusement Of Others

Costco Shopper Writes Insane Fake Shopping Lists For The Amusement Of Others

Over at Reddit, a contributor says they have discovered a new way to amuse themselves — and hopefully others — while shopping at Costco. [More]

This Chipotle Gift Card Is Kinda Chuckle-Worthy

This Chipotle Gift Card Is Kinda Chuckle-Worthy

You can say what you want about Chipotle’s food, but whoever put together the legalese on the back of their gift cards has a pretty good sense of humor. [More]

VIDEO: Obama Gets Advice In Middle Of The Night From Former/Dead Presidents

VIDEO: Obama Gets Advice In Middle Of The Night From Former/Dead Presidents

While Barack Obama stresses out at night in the White House, he’s visited by former Presidents George and George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan… all of whom seem to have an opinion on the Consumer Financial Protection Agency. [More]

Traveler Makes Better Movie Than Avatar While Stranded In Airport

Traveler Makes Better Movie Than Avatar While Stranded In Airport

You’re stuck in a almost-vacant airport overnight during a blizzard — What are you going to do to entertain yourself? The answer was simple for one young potential victim of boredom… Turn the empty gate into her own personal playground and capture it all on video. [More]