In news that will likely change the way some lawmakers view the Senate’s proposal to gut and replace much of the Affordable Care Act, the Congressional Budget Office has estimated that this latest effort would ultimately leave 22 million Americans without insurance on top of those who would be uninsured under the current law, while trimming $321 billion from the federal deficit over ten years. [More]
fun with numbers

Turns Out Gas Station Has A Habit Of Over-Charging Customers By Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars
It may not have been just a freaky set of circumstances that led to a man having over $84,000 charged to his bank card after buying $30 of gas last week. That same Nashville gas station has seen a few other overcharges that also reached into the high tens of thousands. [More]

Trader Joe's Offers Multiple Serving Suggestions, Causing Cookie Consumption Confusion
Sometimes you just need someone to tell you exactly how many cookies is considered okay to eat at a time, but don’t ask Trader Joe’s the right serving amount of their Highbrow Chocolate Chip Cookies. They’re ready with not one, but two answers on that front. [More]

Google Data Explorer Makes Pretty Charts From Depressing Numbers
Google Labs recently unveiled its latest toy, the Public Data Explorer. The tool adds visualization features to Google’s public data search engine, letting you make charts and graphs like this one, which overlays unemployment stats from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on a U.S. map. Colorful and cheery, right? All those lovely pale green circles (10% umemployment), flashes of orange (13%) and the occasional outburst of red (15%). Who knew that modeling depressing data could be so much fun! [More]