Earlier this year, Comcast confirmed that it would soon begin testing next-generation broadband technology that is supposed to provide faster connections than current fiberoptic networks, but over the same old cable lines. Yesterday, the nation’s largest cable company announced that it has taken the first important step in doing real-world testing of this new tech. [More]
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Comcast Tests Program That Proactively Calls Customers To Fix Problems
At times it can be difficult to schedule a service call with a cable/phone/internet provider when you notice an issue. So, it’s no wonder Consumerist reader Jack was suspicious of a voicemail he received last week from a someone claiming to be a Comcast employee notifying him that the company had detected poor signals reaching his equipment and offering to send a tech to investigate the issue. [More]

Comcast Customers In Oregon Get To Experience Hopefully Improved Customer Service
A year ago this week, following a disastrous few months of very public customer service humiliations, Comcast promoted Charlie Herrin to be the Vice President, Making Company Look Less Awful (Note: This may not be his official title). The company subsequently promised that customer service “will be our best product,” resulting in more than a few snickers from Comcast subscribers. Now it’s time to see if these leadership changes and vague boasts are going to get results. [More]

Comcast & Twitter Team Up To Help Viewers Who Don’t Know How To Find NBC On Their TVs
When someone Tweets that they’re watching The Voice and you just HAVE to see what some contestant is wearing (which is counter to the whole point of The Voice, but I digress), do you wish that you could just magically change the channel without having to fumble for your remote and then remember which of your 32,981 channels is NBC? Then the new alliance between Comcast and Twitter is apparently for you. [More]

Comcast's Inept Collections Practice Is Putting My Mortgage Application At Risk
The home-buying process can be stressful enough without questionable debt from the past rearing its ugly head just as you’re applying for a mortgage. And if you deal with that debt right away, you don’t expect it to linger — and you certainly don’t expect the company you owed money to will suddenly lose all record of your account. [More]

Ad Watchdog Asks Comcast To Stop Bragging That Xfinity Is “Fastest In The Nation”
Despite an FCC study showing Verizon FiOS with the fastest download speeds, Comcast’s ads for its Xfinity internet service proudly claim that it’s the “fastest in the nation.” Now the Better Business Bureau’s ad watchdog has recommended that the Kabletown folks stop being so boastful. [More]