
SOLVED: Olshan Foundation Repair's Warranty Not So Lifetime

SOLVED: Olshan Foundation Repair's Warranty Not So Lifetime

After his complaint appeared on The Consumerist, Charles got a call from Olshan Foundation Repair Company. Now he appears to be on the sweet path to resolution.

Costco Million$ Lost Spurred Return Policy Rip

Costco Million$ Lost Spurred Return Policy Rip

Like momma always said, if you don’t stop using that thing, you’re gonna break it… and Costco Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti says the same of the cash-and-carry retailer’s decision to limit its generous return policy for electronics.

Warrant Issued For Verizon's Arrest

Warrant Issued For Verizon's Arrest

Just before Poodleman filed a motion to seize Verizon’s property, he received a check from the company.

Could We Really Hold The Ritz Carlton Their $.01 Per Night Typo?

Could We Really Hold The Ritz Carlton Their $.01 Per Night Typo?

Regarding Ritz Carlton not honoring a 1 cent reservation, Mark dug up more contract law, ran it by his professor, tossed it off to a legal mailing list, and turned up some interesting bits.

UPDATE: Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court

Angela Weigold writes in what’s new with her case against a dirtbag Prius salesman, James Gentile. This was a guy who, after the deal went raw, left multiple harassing phone messages daily, called Angela a “whore” and put her phone number on online escort websites.

AllState Insurance Expedites Reader’s Claim

We don’t know whether it’s a coincidence or whether our post, “AllState Insurance Doesn’t Include Agent Dennis Haysbert” hit a nerve, but Nancy just wrote in to say AllState is expediting her claim:

Cellphone Didn’t Ignite Man On Fire

Cellphone Didn’t Ignite Man On Fire

Turns that the man in the polyester suit who caught on fire in his hotel, well, it wasn’t his Nokia cellphone that started the conflagration.

UPDATE: Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court

UPDATE: Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court

Angela Weigold writes in what’s new with her case against a dirtbag Prius salesman. This was a guy who, after the deal went raw, left multiple harassing phone messages daily, called Angela a “whore” and put her phone number on online escort websites:

Somebody Keeps Censoring Ronnie Segev’s Wikipedia Entry, Reputation Defender Perhaps?

Somebody Keeps Censoring Ronnie Segev’s Wikipedia Entry, Reputation Defender Perhaps?

Ronnie Segev & ReputationDefender Can Eat A Dick

Ronnie Segev & ReputationDefender Can Eat A Dick

WeddingDepot Wants Our “Libelous” Post Removed wants our post detailing an exchange between themselves and a customer, which they call libel, removed.

UPDATE: Dish Charges You Extra For Not Having A Phone

Dee writes in with an update to her letter posted under Dish Charges You Extra For Not Having A Phone. Of special note: plugging in a phone to the dead line will not help her situation…

Jiffy Lube Begs For Forgiveness

Jiffy Lube is now running an ad asking customers to give them a second chance.

UPDATE: Beware Addictive Chapstick

UPDATE: Beware Addictive Chapstick

Dispute arose when we advised consumers to stay away from lip balm products containing salicylic acid and other irritants.

Reader’s iPod Returned From Shop After Consumerist Intervention

Reader’s iPod Returned From Shop After Consumerist Intervention

After asking The Consumerist for help, reader Lisa received an iPod back from iPod Mechanic yesterday, seven months after she first sent hers in for repairs.

We Help Reader Get iPod Back After 7 Months In The Shop

We Help Reader Get iPod Back After 7 Months In The Shop

Lisa’s story of iPod repair frustration has more tangles than that pair of 1st gen earbuds you’ve abandoned in the bottom of your “big” purse.

Chase’s Opt-Out Notice Misleads Customers Into Canceling

Chase’s Opt-Out Notice Misleads Customers Into Canceling

Earlier this month, Chase sent out a change of terms notice which mislead some customers into canceling their accounts by accident.

AOL Sells Ads To Website Under Attorney General Investigation

AOL Sells Ads To Website Under Attorney General Investigation

AOL apparently missed our post on how the Florida Attorney General is investigating