Earlier this week we posted an email from a man who said an AT&T salesman tried to charge him an “activation fee” to switch his daughter’s already-active SIM card to a GoPhone. We got a lot of useful (if sometimes contradictory) advice from readers in the comments section, and now an AT&T spokesman has written in with an official statement about it.
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Fake Boarding Pass Creator Goes Free
Cnet is reporting that the creator of the fake NWA boarding pass generator has been freed and all charges dropped due to lack of criminal intent on his part. “They’ve given me back my passports, my computers, and I’ll be getting the rest of my stuff back shortly. Essentially, I’m a free man–with no charges filed,” Christopher Soghoian wrote on his blog Tuesday, talking about the investigation by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Indiana.