Just because someone looks healthy on the outside doesn’t necessarily mean they actually are. That’s the lesson a Texas woman hopes to pass on to others after she says a ticket agent with American Airlines declined to provide her with a wheelchair despite the fact she had just receiving cancer treatment. [More]
flying the unfriendly skies

Cancer Patient Says American Airlines Ticket Agent Refused To Provide Her A Wheelchair

Frontier Airlines Strands Passengers At The Gate For 18 Hours
Passengers awaiting a flight from St. Louis to Denver over the weekend could have driven to their destination in less time than it took for their Frontier Airlines flight to actually board. [More]

Woman Says United Airlines Flight Attendant Shamed Her For Breastfeeding During Flight
For years now nursing mothers have encountered any number of displeased looks, rude remarks and requests to cover up. A Vancouver mother says she was the latest victim of such a run-in when a flight attendant on a United Airlines flight tossed a blanket to her husband in an attempt to get her to cover up.

Delta Apologizes For Making Nursing Mother Check Bag Containing Her Breast Pump
Perhaps you’ve been there before — you’ve got three bags and the airline tells you you’ve got to consolidate your carry-ons down to two, even if it means checking an item. But a nursing mother who says she was told she’d have to check her breast pump says Delta Air Lines should’ve allowed her to bring it onboard instead of making her check it. [More]