There’s nothing better for a timid flyer than to land safety at their destination after a bumpy, turbulence-filled flight. But before you press those hands together in an exuberant clap, you might want to reconsider. Turns out, some pilots don’t like to receive rousing applause. [More]
Flying the Friendly Skies

Do You Have To Be 21 To Drink On International Flights?
Just about every college kid who’s flown to Europe knows that when they land they’ll be able to get a beer without the fake ID they paid too much to acquire from their neighbor’s creepy older brother. But can those under-21 travelers drink during that flight? Depends on the airline. [More]

Air France Creating Budget Airline To Serve U.S., Asia Starting In 2017
Given that most big airline news seems to involve consolidation, it may be a nice break to hear news of a new-ish, (hopefully) lower-cost carrier entering the market. [More]

It’s The Little Things That Often Make Travelers Happy With Airlines These Days
In an era of add-on fees, crunched-up knees, and general dissatisfaction with air travel, what does it take for an airline to stand out with customers? Apparently not much. [More]

United Airlines Bringing 200 Comfort Dogs To Seven Airports For A Bit Of Holiday Travel Stress-Relief
With holiday travel predicted to reach record levels this week, it’s probably a safe bet that someone at some overcrowded airport across the country will get a bit stressed out. In a bid to make sure holiday travel is a bit less grueling for passengers, United Airlines is sending in the dogs, literally. [More]

American Airlines Offering Some Travelers Free Flights To China After Glitch
For five hours in mid-March world travelers were able to book American Airlines flights from select U.S. cities to China for bargain prices because of a glitch. While the carrier honored tickets that had been paid for in full, it canceled hundreds of trips that were placed on a 24-hour price hold. Now, as part of an agreement with the Department of Transportation, those passengers are eligible for a free – or significantly discounted – trip to China. [More]

Supreme Court Rules Airline Had Right To Dump Frequent Flier For Excessive Complaints
It’s official: being a bad customer can get you booted from loyalty programs. On Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously decided it was within Northwest Airlines rights to dump a rabbi from the airline’s WorldPerks loyalty program for complaining too often. [More]