Just as Bomont became known as the town that forbade dancing and rock music, Philadelphia could earn the reputation as the city that stifled flash mobsters. Hollywood would do well to base a Footloose-style film on Philly, which has placed 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday night curfews on teens in downtown Center City, where a recent flash mob left two injured, and college neighborhood Universe City. In the rest of the city, curfew is midnight for those ages 14 to 17 and 10 p.m. for kids under 13. [More]
flash mobs

Chinese Flash Mob Shoppers
Lets get this Chinese export into the US economy by the junkload: the latest craze in China is tuangou, or “team buying.” Consumers find each other online, agree to show up at a store at a certain time and flexing their collective bargaining muscle to successfully demand group-rate discounts. Impactlab reports: