
War Declared On Salt!

War Declared On Salt!

Are you tired of the high fructose corn syrup battles? Today the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences, released a report that said Americans on average eat enough salt every second to kill a humpback whale kraken. I have not actually read the report, but it probably said something like that. It also said that public education campaigns have failed to reduce sodium intake, and voluntary self-regulation by the food industry hasn’t been effective. [More]

Report: Lack Of Limits, Oversight, Lets Tainted Meat Out Into Market

Report: Lack Of Limits, Oversight, Lets Tainted Meat Out Into Market

A new report issued by the Dept. of Agriculture’s Office of the Inspector General says that tainted meat is making its way to your dinner plate because of a combination of inter-departmental squabbling and a lack of general oversight by the regulatory agencies involved. [More]

FDA: Your Antibacterial Soap May Be No Better Than My Regular Soap

FDA: Your Antibacterial Soap May Be No Better Than My Regular Soap

Responding to concerns from Congress, the FDA announced today that they are in the process of reviewing how consumers use triclosan, an antibacterial agent used in soap and many other products. And while the FDA says it doesn’t have enough info to tell people not to use soaps containing triclosan, it also doesn’t see any evidence that adding triclosan to soap makes any difference. [More]

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Considered A Natural Ingredient?

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Considered A Natural Ingredient?

We get a lot of readers writing in to ask us whether or not a product containing High Fructose Corn Syrup can be labeled as “natural” or “all natural.” The latest was from Kirby, who questioned whether HFCS-containing “All Natural” sodas are indeed “all natural.” And, at least according to the FDA, the answer is “yes.” [More]

10 Things To Ask Your Vet About Your Pet's Medications

10 Things To Ask Your Vet About Your Pet's Medications

Because we all love our pets, we want to take good care of them. But since most of us aren’t veterinarians (unless we have a very specific demographic no one told me about), the best we can do when talking to our pets’ doctors is to ask the right questions. To help everyone along, the peeps at the FDA have put together this handy/dandy list of things you should ask your vet when getting meds for your furry friends. [More]

Investigation Reveals Widespread Fraud In Seafood Packaging

Investigation Reveals Widespread Fraud In Seafood Packaging

It’s a common, legal practice to protect seafood with a layer of ice before packaging it up for retail sale. It’s also apparently a common practice to add that ice into the total weight of the seafood, and in some cases to add more ice than necessary just to bump up the total weight, which isn’t legal and which defrauds the consumer. The National Conference on Weights and Measures recently investigated seafood packaging in 17 states and pulled more than 21,000 packages of seafood from store shelves, noting that in one particularly bad case ice made up 40% of the total listed weight. [More]

Sorry, No Jet Lag Drug For You

Sorry, No Jet Lag Drug For You

The FDA has declined to approve an application for use of an alertness drug, Nuvigil, to treat jet lag. [More]

POLL: Should Tanning Beds Require Parental Consent?

POLL: Should Tanning Beds Require Parental Consent?

Yesterday, a Food & Drug Administration advisory panel suggested that the FDA begin making it a requirement for children and teenagers who want to get a golden glow from a tanning bed that they must first obtain parental consent on a form documenting that the parents are aware of the potential hazards of tanning. Since I get my sun the natural way — from the backlit screen of my laptop — I’d like to know from y’all whether you think this is a sensible idea that will help prevent skin disease and cancer in the long run or if it’s just more mandated mollycoddling… [More]

Zocor Can Increase Chance Of Muscle Injury & Kidney Damage: FDA

Zocor Can Increase Chance Of Muscle Injury & Kidney Damage: FDA

While myopathy (muscle injury) is a known side effect for all cholesterol-lowering statin medications, the FDA has just issued a warning that, when prescribed and used at higher doses, Zocor (generic name: simvastatin) carries with it a greater risk of developing muscle injury, including the most serious form of myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, which can lead to kidney damage, kidney failure, and possibly death. [More]

New FDA Rules Take The Fun Out Of Cigarette Advertising

New FDA Rules Take The Fun Out Of Cigarette Advertising

It’s been fifteen years and three presidents since it was first proposed, but the FDA has now signed off on a new set of rules for tobacco companies that seek to limit the marketing of cigarettes and chewing tobacco to teens and children. These new rules cover both advertising and distribution and will essentially put an end to tobacco-branded clothing, tobacco-sponsored sporting and music events, and the use of music in tobacco ads on the radio. [More]

Is An FDA Conflict Of Interest Keeping Avandia On The Market?

Is An FDA Conflict Of Interest Keeping Avandia On The Market?

A new report from the Senate Finance Committee alleges that drug company GlaxoSmithKline not only knew about a possible link between their diabetes medication Avandia and heart attacks, but also acted to keep the FDA from pulling the drug off shelves. If so, how were they able to do it? [More]

FDA May Update Serving Sizes To Reflect How Much People Actually Eat

FDA May Update Serving Sizes To Reflect How Much People Actually Eat

As anyone who has tried to carefully count calories knows, the serving sizes on food packages don’t have much to do with reality. The FDA has finally realized that putting accurate serving sizes on labels might have an effect on the amount of food Americans cram into our mouths in one sitting. [More]

1.2 Million Pounds Of Cured Meat Recalled For Salmonella

1.2 Million Pounds Of Cured Meat Recalled For Salmonella

1.2 million pounds of Daniele International salami, sausage, and other cured meat products have been yanked out of stores and recalled due to possible salmonella contamination. The meats are linked to 184 sick individuals in 38 states. At least 35 people have been hospitalized, but none have died. [More]

Counterfeit Alli Won't Cause Runs, Might Raise Blood Pressure

Counterfeit Alli Won't Cause Runs, Might Raise Blood Pressure

The Food and Drug Administration has warned shoppers to be on the lookout for counterfeit versions of the weight-loss drug Alli. The real version of Alli contains orlistat, a drug with side effects that include “an urgent need to defecate,” as those with delicate sensibilities like to put it. The fakes are made with sibutramine, a controlled substance that has been linked to high blood pressure in some studies. [More]

FDA Wants Tobacco Companies To Submit Ingredients List By June

FDA Wants Tobacco Companies To Submit Ingredients List By June

“Tobacco products today are really the only human-consumed product that we don’t know what’s in them,” the director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products said to the Associated Press. To address that, the agency has told tobacco companies to provide a list of the ingredients in their cigarette brands by June 2010. The FDA says it won’t publicize a lot of the data in order to protect trade secrets, but that by June 2011 it will publish a list of “harmful and potentially harmful” ingredients, at which point tobacco companies will have to start listing the amounts of each one on their products. [More]

FDA Is Mad: Funky, Smelly, Barfy Tylenol Has Been A Problem Since 2008

FDA Is Mad: Funky, Smelly, Barfy Tylenol Has Been A Problem Since 2008

The FDA is @#$%# pissed off at McNeil, the company that makes smelly, barfy Tylenol and other products, because apparently this problem has been going on since 2008. [More]

Senate Trying To Give FDA More Power

Senate Trying To Give FDA More Power

Last week the Senate cooked up a Scooby Snack for the FDA. The Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee unanimously approved a bill that will make the FDA run around all hyper and bestow it with super strength and ghost-catching ability, the LA. Times reports, though not in those words. [More]

Vick's Sinex Nasal Spray Recalled Due To Bacterial Contamination

Vick's Sinex Nasal Spray Recalled Due To Bacterial Contamination

The FDA says P&G is voluntarily recalling three lots of its Vicks Sinex nasal spray in three countries: the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom after finding the bacteria B. cepacia in a small amount of product. There have been no reports of illness. However, the bacteria could cause serious infections for individuals with a compromised immune system, or those with chronic lung conditions, such as cystic fibrosis. B. cepacia poses little medical risk to healthy individuals.