In response to growing concerns about toxic levels of lead in paint and metal on children’s toys, Oxford Instruments has developed a hand held electronic lead detector, a veritable rock boulder on the tracks of the Chinese Poison Train.

Meet The X-MET3000TXR+ Handheld Lead Detector

Lyn's 2-Person Budget Spreadsheet
Reader Lyn sent us a budget system he drafted that has worked well for his household, as well as friends and family.

Thomas And Friends Railroading Parents On Shipping Charges For Recalled Toys
The maker of Thomas the Tank Engines recalled for lead poisoning promised to send a replacement toy and refund parents the full cost of shipping back the recalled toys, but several parents are angry after receiving less-than-full reimbursement checks.

How To Detect Lead Poisoning
Amidst the lead paint recalls, parents are turning to home-based lead test kits to protect their children and families from lead poisoning.
Should Allowance Be Tied To Chores?
According to this Kiplinger column, 40% of parents say they don’t link their kids’ allowances to the chores they do.