While two-factor authentication is a very handy tool for regaining access to your accounts if you get locked out or forget your password, sometimes getting a text message or an email isn’t possible. That’s why Facebook has confirmed it’s looking into using facial recognition as a way to verify a user’s identity. [More]
facial recognition

iPhone X Production Hiccup Could Lead To Shortages
One of the most-talked about features of Apple’s upcoming iPhone X — “Face ID,” which allows a user to unlock their phone by looking at it — is causing a headache for the company: Issues with the facial recognition system are reportedly slowing down production, and could translate into widespread shortages when the high-end phones finally go on sale. [More]

Here’s How One State Is Using Driver’s License Facial Recognition To Crack Down On Fraud
Fake IDs aren’t just a problem for people whose identities have been stolen and used to make a new driver’s license, but they can also lead to unlicensed drivers hitting the roads and potentially endangering others. Officials in New York say they’ve made a serious dent in these kinds of crimes with its driver’s license facial recognition technology. [More]

New Clues Revealed About iPhone 8 Display, Facial Recognition
For the better part of a year rumors have been swirling about the features and design of Apple’s yet-to-be launched iPhone 8. Speculation about the highly anticipated 10th Anniversary phone, which CEO Tim Cook blamed for the poor sales of the iPhone 7, may have reached peak levels this weekend after the tech giant accidentally pushed out firmware for its HomePod. [More]

Hacker Uses Printed Photo, Contact Lens To Trick Samsung S8 Iris Scanner
Weeks after a security researcher demonstrated how he could fool the facial recognition software in Samsung’s new Galaxy S8 smartphone with a digital photo, someone else has managed to hoodwink the phone, this time by tricking the phone’s iris scanner with a printed picture and a contact lens. [More]

Delta Wants To Expedite Self-Service Bag Drops With Facial Recognition Tech
As businesses continue to turn to facial recognition technology to do everything from verifying your identity to make a credit card purchase to preventing toilet paper thieves, Delta Air Lines is hoping that it can use biometrics to help streamline its self-service bag drops. [More]

China Using Facial Recognition In Public Restrooms To Prevent Toilet Paper Thefts
As part of China’s efforts to spur tourism with a “toilet revolution,” bathrooms at tourist sites will now use facial recognition to keep them from grabbing too much toilet paper. Yes, this means your face could be scanned in the john. [More]

You Can Apparently Fool Samsung Galaxy S8 Facial Recognition With A Photo
A number of companies have turned to facial recognition as a way to offer customers another level of security: from MasterCard’s “selfie” verification to British Airways’ face-scanning boarding process. Now, Samsung is using the technology as a way to unlock its new Galaxy S8 smartphone, but it turns out the process may not be as secure as one would hope. [More]

Wells Fargo Corporate Banking Clients Can Soon Stare Deeply Into Their App To Sign In
Until we get to a Minority Report-like future, we’re all carrying around some unique forms of identification that even the most talented identity thieves can’t steal: our bodies. In an effort to beef up security by taking advantage of customers’ unique phyiscal attributes, Wells Fargo will offer some clients the option of signing into their mobile app accounts with eye scan verification, or face and voice recognition. [More]

Walmart Tried, Gave Up On Using Facial Recognition Software To ID Shoplifters
If you’ve ever known a shoplifter, you’ve probably noticed that he or she has a tendency to hit up the same stores over and over until those victimized retailers either nab the shoplifter or do something to make theft more difficult. It would make seem to make sense then for Walmart to deploy a facial recognition program to identify known or suspected offenders. So why did the company recently give up on this sort of system? [More]

Could You Soon Be Making Purchases By Scanning Your Face? That’s The Plan At MasterCard
Who has time to memorize the special code or password when you could just scan your face to approve an online purchase? While using facial recognition as confirmation you’re, well, you, might seem a little far-fetched, it could be a reality this fall according to MasterCard. [More]

Privacy Advocates Abandon Facial Recognition Policy Talks In Protest
Facial recognition still kind of sounds like science fiction, but is a tech reality. It is, however, still a fairly new and unregulated reality — nobody quite knows how to handle it. So the Commerce Department brought together privacy advocates and industry representatives to hammer out a new code of conduct… and it is not going well. In fact, several of the advocates claim, the process is so broken that it can’t be fixed, and they are walking out. [More]

Al Franken Isn’t Too Keen On Google Glass Face-Recognition App
Some people wouldn’t have a problem with you shooting photos and video of the people you pass as you stroll down the street sporting your Google Glass headgear. But if you could use a facial recognition app on that same device to glean personal information about complete strangers, it’s probably not going to be as warmly received. [More]

Google Says No (For Now) To Facial Recognition Apps For Glass
As consumers test Google’s Glass device on the streets and subways of America, many people have raised privacy concerns about the possibility of developers creating facial recognition apps for the wearable computers. But Google is trying to calm those fears by saying it won’t allow such apps… for the time-being. [More]

Here's The Vending Machine That Recommends Drinks Based On Facial Recognition
Ever stepped up to a vending machine and scratched your head as you mulled over the options? Now there’s a vending machine in Japan that will recommend certain products for you — based on your face. [More]